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Everything posted by steadygaze

  1. That is funny you mention that I was pondering that the other day as the Lord placed it on my heart to reread. Hugs to you and please check out something I just posted a day before all this took place. /corporate-words-f4/i-encountered-death-to-only-to-be-sent-back-for-a-greater-purpose-1-09-2010-t6803.htm#36391
  2. Hi friends as I posted on the praying forum I am dealing with physical issues and need all the support and counseling I can get through this time. When you walk through so many surgeries and find out more issues have arrived you feel like you never seem to get passed it and you tend to find more physical issues comes from the surgeries you just had. A cycle that needs to be broken. I have dealt with this since my twenties. I have gone in and out of healing rooms, Sozo, dug under past rugs for any open doors. I have even fasted for my healing or for some kind of of revelation that would set me free. I mean everything spiritually I have done to chase after my healing and well not healed yet. I have had my friends who meant well condemn me telling me I have sin in my life or forgiveness this is why this has happened or I opened doors that should not have been opened yada yda. I mean hey lets get real I wanted to stop asking for prayer because either I would get pat answers to serious problems or condemned and told I had all this junk and this is why I am the way I am...Bless the church but they can also be the ones who really wound or hurt you, when you are walking through the hardest times in your life. I was healed from Liver disease in 2003 when I was suppose to get a Liver transplant. I often wonder why the Lord would heal my Liver and yet so far not my spine or feet. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are higher then our thoughts.WHO UNDERSTANDS THE MYSTERIES OF GOD? Only He knows the days the hours in which we live and have our being and my only hope and trust is in Him. When all else fails we stand and believe and trust in what is yet unseen. It has been a long and painful road with a lack of sleep as pain increases. I tell you this my friends He is faithful and I do not stand alone. He says he intercedes for me day and night and contends for me. My precious Jesus did not die on a cross so that I would suffer and not receive the fullness of my salvation and the price he paid so I could receive it. I am contending for what He did for me that day He said it was finished. It is funny I wrote a word and released it the day before I ended up in the ER last Monday with two thoracic disc herniation's that protruded my spinal cord. It is the word that I now read almost daily because God knew I needed to release it not only for others but for myself as well. I will post it and I pray it touches and ministers to you all who comes across it because it is true. Some times we get a word of the promises of God to only find our lives are heading in the opposite direction of what the Lord spoke to our hearts. Much love and blessings to all of you. I will post the word in the prophecy section here is the link to it. /corporate-words-f4/i-encountered-death-to-only-to-be-sent-back-for-a-greater-purpose-1-09-2010-t6803.htm#36391 Steadygaze
  3. Hi and thank you so much for the prayer and encouragement. I am faced with a serious situation as far as the two herniated disc's and will be going to a vascular surgeon on the 25th and see what we need to do.. I am nervious as I have not met this doc before and let me tell you known of them seem to want to deal with the issues I have which has been so frustrating. I am praying the Lord will lead me to the right surgeons and that they would not slap a band-aid on me and say oh well take these drugs the rest to your life. I am on pain patch right now and it helps take the edge off but I am still having a hard time breathing as if my chest is caving in and a problem with chest pain and nerve pain down my arms. I am bed ridden now and need the power of the Holy spirit to come and release peace. I also need a creative miracle. Thanks again so much for the love and support this is a trying time and I desire to walk in what the Lord purposed for me.
  4. Hi and many blessings, Last August before I went to teach mission school in Russia, and do prayer walks through the Middle East I ended up in the hospital. I woke up with severe chest pain around 5:00am in the morning and I could not breath because the pain was so bad it hurt to breath. The Paramedic's came and rushed me to the Hospital because my vital signs were bad. Well it turned out that the T4 T5 level of my spine herniated and protruded my lung which caused severe chest pain and breathing problems. I was in the Hospital for 7 days. Well my surgeon who did five surgeries on me retired and all the surgeons moved out of the area where I lived do to the economy. Well I continued with Russia and the Middle East trusting and believing I would be healed in the mission field. Well the problem did not leave it persisted for the three months I was there so when I got home I moved to another state. That was last August when I returned from the Middle East and Russia and I have been looking for the three surgeons I need for the three problems I am dealing with and it has been nothing but a nightmare here where I moved. I finally got the three appointments, one for with a Nero Surgeon tomorrow for the herniated disc and lower lumbar spine pain do from back surgery that is causing bad nerve pain through my left leg. Please keep me in prayer as the doctors here have not been good at all and they seem to only care about there time card so to speak. So tomorrow is the big day where I will see what steps to take if any. The second surgeon is a vascular surgeon because I am dealing with Thoracic Outlet syndrome. It is a very painful condition because of all the neck surgeries I had now extra scare tissue is causing lack of blood flow from my shoulders into my arms and my nerves are compressed so have severe nerve pain from my neck through my shoulders into my arms. I see this surgeon on the 25th. The third surgeon is a foot surgeon I am having problems with an artificial joint in my big toe and my foot is swollen. I see this surgeon on the 21st. I have waited for years for a miracle and am still contending for a breakthrough in my healing. I know the Lord has better plans then this for my life. Thanks for partnering with me in believing that the Lord will send the right doctors to help me and that he will give them the gift of wisdom and discernment concerning my situation. That these doctors will be willing to come along side me to get the help I need to resolve these issues I deal with on a daily bases. I am praying that the Lord would resolve this pain so I can sleep at night with out waking up off and on all night do to the pain. Thanks so much
  5. I can so relate to everything you wrote in this email. I too have been going through the same thing, dealt with the same issues by other Christians they meant well but, and I will leave it at that. I have no phobia in which you speak about Hospitals, I am just tired of the physical pain I deal with daily, and I am just plain tired of doctors and Hospitals. I have decreed and declared my healing for years and have yet to see it but know the Lord sits on His throne.No one knows what you go through day in and day out but the Lord does. I have nothing but total compassion for you as I know what it is like to suffer such things that are not from God. No matter what people who have not walked in your shoes will not totally understand and so they will come up with pat answers to real life struggles Bless them they are trying. The Lord is faithful and I know he has gotten me through every second of every day and for that I am blessed. Fear is the enemy trying to get you to believe false events appearing real.That is what fear stands for. I know in my spirit fear has no room and will not steal from me the Life of Christ in me. My prayer is that those of us who suffer such affliction will come into the fullness of salvation that Jesus died for. I know Jesus did not die so that we would receive less then what He paid for. My prayer is that we would come into the fullness of the promise of the cross. Blessings to you precious one, my heart is with you along with my prayers. I send you many warm hugs this Christmas.
  6. Merry Christmas beautiful peoples in Christ. May the Lord fill your Christmas with His love in abundance of His mercy and grace especially where family is concerned.lol K just kidding. Anyway you all have a blast and worship our beloved Jesus as He is the reason and for that I am eternally grateful. I love you Jesus.
  7. Hi all, I just thought I would stop by and say hello. I also wanted to express why I am on this forum. I know how to interpret my own dreams it is a gift by my sweet Beloved Jesus. I am also here to learn more and grow more. I want to express that we are a body who needs each part to function in the fullness of our beloved.The Lord speaks about it in 1 Corinthians 12. He also tells us that we only see in part in 1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. I believe that even though we may know how to interpret our own dreams and other dreams we still need the confirmation of our brothers and sisters. The Lord says in His word that Out of the mouth of two or three witness. I believe we are in great need of one another. The Lord is the true revealer in all these maters and it will bare witness in your spirit through the mouth of others. Have a wonderful day.
  8. HAHA this sounds sooo yummy thanks for sharing it with us.
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