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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. wow i was going to respond with "just be glad you have a job" you shouldn't care what some stranger gets God knows what you need before you even ask
  2. wow, yes, i wanted to say something else but you answered it so bluntly. what a post.
  3. I think it's important be clear on what the opponents of Jesus were feeling when they came against him. Were the Pharisees against Jesus because they truly thought He was transgressing the Law and the teachings OR were they just indifferent at a person who was getting alot of attention?
  4. It just makes me wonder whats going on in his mind. In this case, since he has a record of doing this, it just means there's something in him that drives him to do it. He's unhappy or he's insecure. I don't know how old he is but he's clearly acting on his Ego that alot of males have. He's feeling comfortable enough to commit these acts. You need to pray God does whatever He has to do to set him straight.
  5. God will smoothe this over. He recently smoothed over something for me that had me panicking. It's good that you made your son go appologize to the kid at his house. That likely made your son feel really awkward and not wanting to do it again.
  6. my dad was in Real Estate but he's been trying to get back into Internet Technology for like the past 3-4 months i don't know what will happen
  7. my dad said he received an offer. pray god secures this for at least him and my mother. my sister already has her own job.
  8. when i came home from the Air Force back i 2007...i had no idea things would turn out this way my FIRST concern when i got back was WHO...WHO am i going to be friends with...etc? but i NEVER ended up meeting anyone like that i've had jobs, i've gone to school, AND Church and STILL NOTHING nothing has happened
  9. Is God ever going to prevent my dad from being an overbearing NEGATIVE force in my life...ever? I can't do it myself. I can't shut him up. I can't defend myself. I can't do anything. What am I doing wrong? Pray for something related to this subject.
  10. i may have misunderstood your first post. are you saying that you have simply been sharing your positive testimony of what God is doing in your life only to get a NEGATIVE reaction out of people? whatever the case may be, it's human nature for people to feel a degree of jealousy and a slew of other bad emotions when someone ELSE shares such information about themself. not saying it's right, just that IT HAPPENS. keep that in mind and walk in forgiveness. I'm sorry....you feel miffed by my happiness? yes, for a split second it bothered me.
  11. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride with people in my life. I feel UP if I am not associating with my family and facebook friends. I feel DOWN when I do associate with them. I see a lot of division going on too. I feel like I'm in a great place in MY life right now. I am so happy, I'm having fun and its only when I share my excitement that I feel disconnected from everyone. It's like someone busting my bubble. I think it's because everyone else I know is going through hard times and they CAN'T be happy with me..?? Hello And you are correct I'm going to be honest, even as I read that I got a little miffed. My Godly advice to you is just to keep your happy exploits to yourself as much as you can help it. Because yes, it only hurts those who are hurting even MORE and we are NUMEROUS...and it makes them want to drag you down. It's not the 1950s anymore. Not in America and not anywhere.
  12. believing for God to do exactly what you want him to do your husband does seem immature and wrong in his perception of things praying God does whateve needs to, to correct wrong thinking
  13. God works things out like this nowadays. He will bring this to pass in your son's life when He's ready.
  14. Do you not realize that one of the things that attracts people to each other is what they are DOING with their lives? How does being UNEMPLOYED make you attractive to ANYONE? a Christian with a good heart isn't going to be superficial, but i digress... Here is WISDOM! GET A JOB!!!!!! oh still i am trying, make no mistake. i HAVEN'T been able to find one. the longer i don't have a job...the longer this goes on...it doesn't make sense. Now have confidence. If you are a born again CHILD of GOD, there is no fear. Know that GOD LOVES YOU. Take strength from that and don't BE AFRAID to make the effort. Prayer IS NOT A LABOR SAVING DEVICE. You must be WILLING TO WORK! read my above statements.
  15. could someone with wisdom judge me fairly here? what if i wanted to wait until i met my future spouse or at least made some REAL friends before i got a job? i'm really struggling right now with this issue. i could and will get a job but why get a job when i'm so lonely and not even comfortable being around people?
  16. yes, NOW i'm starting to make real effort yet i'm STILL having trouble i check my email EVERYDAY and i don't get any responses why is God doing this? God CLEARLY wants me to have a job so bad...because he keeps using my dad to forcefully push me into getting one so WHY is God contradicting Himself by NOT honoring my efforts?
  17. good post John how did you know to mention EATING RIGHT in regards to this? i've been dealing with that exact issue
  18. hello i just feel i NEED a job that is "right" for me...even spiritually i've NEVER been that close to Jesus it gets that much more difficult with all these other concerns like having a job i can't focus on Jesus and 'other things' at the same time...i ALWAYS forget about Jesus and get caught up in other crap I need to be able to make money(for my needs only) doing something Jesus/Church related
  19. this is why i NEED a Christian girlfriend...and soon someone who is ACTIVE in Kingdom matters herself so i can be too
  20. i could REALLY use a strong christian girlfriend in my life now someone who could motivate me in all the right areas
  21. what does the phrase "you were meant to be very active in the Kingdom of God" mean? does that mean i'm meant to hold alot of normal/secular jobs in my lifetime ...or just be very active in Church/Churches/Ministries?
  22. butterfly, i am now in a situation where i HAVE to get a regular job my dad isn't making any money and he's worried about losing our house so apparently i was WRONG this whole time about the Peace Corps and such
  23. blessings it's that i'm trying to limit god, i'm just making a request that i feel is best for me BASED ON what's going on in my Spiritual Life
  24. i've talked about this before and again i'm feeling the need to restate it, this is important when the time comes, i request that my spouse be Jewish, Asian, European, or a combination here's why i want a strong relationship with god just as i imagine it i don't see that being possible if my spouse was a typical "american girl"...you know...with all the interest in "pop music", clothes, and other stuff
  25. my dad got onto me again for the 10000th time about making money and me not having a job it's so aggrivating this is why i CONSANTLY ask god to speak to me about these endeavors then, when i DON'T hear anything...i'm forced to figure it out on my own yet ironically, my ideas area ALWAYS wrong
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