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Everything posted by Destine

  1. I have been praying and God has shown me (and spoken through four pastor's) about my true calling and destiny to fulfill for the Lord. That calling is to be a Pastor/Pastor's Wife/CEO, my mom knows about me wanting to be a CEO... but she does not know about the pastor thing. I always told her was I around the ages of 4-7 that being a pastor would be so awesome because I was in love with watching Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/ Commander Kellie, Along with Dr. Dollar and Pastor Paula. I stopped wanting to do this because I had a hard time pronouncing the 'er' in my words; I also just hated speaking in public because it took me one year just to learn how to read properly because of not being able to pronounce my r's correctly. I am sixteen years old now, I love reading... I started to develop the love of writing/reading around 7 or 8, And I like reading out loud...(only when I want too.. jk) I have the faith to say that I actually know who I am supposed to marry... I just do not want to tell my mom. 1) we had one bad experience with the guy because he was in a lot of pain from seeing his parents argue (He's a Pastor's Kid) 2) He got on my dad's bad side 3) No one really liked him anymore after he did that I am no longer at that church anymore, I just need to know how I should present this to my mom without her calling me immature of naive or childish.
  2. I have been praying and God has shown me (and spoken through four pastor's) about my true calling and destiny to fulfill for the Lord. That calling is to be a Pastor/Pastor's Wife/CEO, my mom knows about me wanting to be a CEO... but she does not know about the pastor thing. I always told her was I around the ages of 4-7 that being a pastor would be so awesome because I was in love with watching Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/ Commander Kellie, Along with Dr. Dollar and Pastor Paula. I stopped wanting to do this because I had a hard time pronouncing the 'er' in my words; I also just hated speaking in public because it took me one year just to learn how to read properly because of not being able to pronounce my r's correctly. I am sixteen years old now, I love reading... I started to develop the love of writing/reading around 7 or 8, And I like reading out loud...(only when I want too.. jk) I have the faith to say that I actually know who I am supposed to marry... I just do not want to tell my mom. 1) we had one bad experience with the guy because he was in a lot of pain from seeing his parents argue (He's a Pastor's Kid) 2) He got on my dad's bad side 3) No one really liked him anymore after he did that I am no longer at that church anymore, I just need to know how I should present this to my mom without her calling me immature of naive or childish.
  3. Hi all, I know some of you know what I have been going through, I just need some help, I have been saying scriptures and saying I am free by the blood of Jesus, but it's coming out in my body (the pain that I have towards the situation) where my ears hurt as if someone has punched me, and my neck is having some severe muscle spasms. I just need someone to pray with me, because this isn't right for me to feel this way!
  4. So, my mom wanted to know if I wanted to get a job, I first said yes, but than I said no, ONLY because I'm nervous about having a boss. I want to learn how it feels to have that responsibility of working (and managing my time) I'll be in college in 2012, and I want to it least have some experience with working. I'm thinking about applying to be a cashier.
  5. I got it! and I sent you a new message before I got the other one:)
  6. Sorry! My computer has been acting strange, so sometimes I don't get the replies!
  7. Praise the LORD! Thank you lord for saints like these!
  8. Most churches have dramas and plays, maybe first speak to your parents if it would be OK for you to prompt your idea to your youth pastor. Most plays and dramas do not require that much money!
  9. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS! God really is a good GOD! I spoke to my aunt about something and I swear, the spirit of the lord just knocked me off of my feet! I feel so much better, hallelujah Jesus is wonderful, I felt something just leave me and the holy spirit spoke to me, You are so wonderful Jesus! And thank you all who prayed for me:daphanie02, jjp708,cholette, Jasmine, lola21st, Linda Irish, dreamster, and any other kind person, I started praying to God and I started to prophesy, the LORD IS GOOD!
  10. Thank you, do you think I could talk to you through a personal message
  11. It's a little personal, I don't exactly want to put it in a comment
  12. I'm thinking about giving up, on life in general, I really don't want to live. I mean, I love myself but I'm really sick of life
  13. the issue I'm dealing with is a little bit private, so if anyone could message me it would be great! I just know it needs to be resolved or else I may do something really wrong
  14. Ok, I'll suggest that to my mom, Thanks
  15. Hi, this morning my mom took me out driving, and it didn't start out well. When people make me feel stressed, I cannot listen to directions that well; and my mom was making me feel really tense. It's only my second time driving, and it was my first in our actual car (the car I first used was a rental car) and it went better than. Also, my dad is a better teacher than my mom, she makes me tense
  16. Thank you! it's always nice to hear when someone is praying:::)
  17. Thank you! I did not feel at ease with the dr. suggesting for me to take the medicine, My mom asked me yesterday how I felt about the medicine, I told her I didn't like the idea; She didn't agree with the idea of taking that kind of meds, so we are not going to take the anti-depressents. And we are going to swtich drs. I'm making more of a commitment now to read more of the word, Before I would just read my favorite scriptures daily or just read it when I watch Dr. Creflo dollar or when I'm at church.
  18. Hi, I need a little bit of prayer: I have let a lot of things just build up in my emotions, And finally I exploded. The dr. (I don't think she is a christian) wants to put me on anti-depressant meds, And she wants to do a cat-scan on my brain. I have basically been having a lot of bad headaches and facial pain because I haven't been that happy and I just never told anyone. And I have been stressed so my dr. believes I have muscle spasms on and off; I thought I just needed to get more exercise, So I would walk my dog more and stretch more.. things of that nature. We are going to change drs. because she seems to be saying that medicine is the only answer and I know medicine is not the only answer. And my mom's friend knows others who have become addicts of anti-depressants... so please pray
  19. I have always wanted to dance, and it's the area I have been attacked mostly by satan to where if I'm good enough or not. I love to dance
  20. Hi I'm Destine and I just recently turned sixteen; I have been praying that God will tell me exactly what he wants me to do with my life, and after around 5 months of praying that on a continual basis, God spoke to my heart while I was sleeping and he said "I created you to dance, your testimony through dance will bring people to Christ" I know this may sound really bad since I have been a christian since I was really small but I really don't know if I actually heard him correctly! So I prayed today that he would show me if I actually did hear him correctly. I know the word says "My sheep will know my voice". See, my mom told me that she doesn't want me to be a dancer because it seems that I keep changing my mind on exactly what I want to do, so she said being a dancer is basically out of the question. So, please just pray for me
  21. So I went to the Doctor's, and they actually do not think I have TMJ, So I don't know what's causing my facial pain, and since I don't know what is causing my facial pain, I don't know how to pray against it. Also too, I want to know like the demonic attachment to facial pain, does anyone know? So I would love prayer for healing, a revelation for what's causing it (my doctor said the muscles in my face have inflammation, but I need to know more detail!)
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