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Everything posted by Frogger409

  1. Hold on. That's the point of the post. T_T It's an apology, I'm not making stuff up. It's an apology for saying stuff behind your guys' back. Therefore I am not making it up. PLEASE know all the details before attacking me. Afterwards, I changed my mind and saw that it was the best thing to do. ALSO, if I was able to be in contact with you I would've talked to you about it. I know that her promotion was a good decision though, and am happy it happened. I knew it wouldn't happen to me for various reasons and so I accepted it. The fact that I disapproved of it was impulse reaction, it was not thought through. Thus is why I posted an apology.
  2. *sigh* This wasn't supposed to get like this. I wish to make amends for the hurt my words obviously caused. I know what I said about not wanting you to be admin offended you Zellie, and I apologize for that. I was jealous and so I spoke without thinking. I'm sorry. I will admit I did not expect that decision, but anyway, I have decided to just wait and see how it goes. I think that would be better than the arguing that's been going on. Again, I apologize for my rudeness and hope I am forgiven. -Frogger409-
  3. XD Nice man. And I too am done. Did the whole confirm thing. ONWARDS
  4. IGN: Frogger409 Reason: I'm an expert and you know me and I'm awesome and I'm a frog and I'm nice and if you don't w/l me that means you are rascist against friends, frogs, and Mexicans, coworkers, etc. Promise?: Why even ask? You know I won't break the rules T_T Why do you think I'm expert? Extra Stuff: If this SMP allows hacks, /give, and doesn't abide by the "Survival" theme, disregard my sign up form. That is all TANCZ YII VARY MACH
  5. I would also PROMISS, except my comp is fried so no gaming for me D: Time to exercise my patience muscles... Man, this is going to be a long summer XD Also, 7GRF, Zhuge and I go on dfans smp. WE HAZ BASEZORS AND ARE MONOPOLY xD Anyways, till we meet again. Ciao!
  6. Are you always hidden?! Watching our every moves? Listening to our conversation?! Of course! I thought everyone knew that by now. He also logs the chat for future reference. ^^
  7. *CoughcoughZhugecoughcough*
  8. P.S. I think therefore I am.
  9. Well, first I would like to point out that notch is fixing this in 1.6. The cause of why you can't hear rain is because you are playing on Fast graphics mode. It is a bug that will be fixed, like I said in the beginning of this post. If you really want to hear the rain, switch to Fancy graphics. That is all. Ribit. EDIT: Also, wrong section
  10. NUUU Wai you leave us Dem? :'( At least come visit us once in a while.
  11. Frogger409


    Yeah. Just had to put some Techno/Trance/Eurodance and it was alright A falling star fell on the zombie right next to me and dealt 997 dmg to him... LOL That's epic.. I wonder how I can coordinate that... XD
  12. (Psst, I was the first to make Nyan Cat.. so FIRST!! XD But yours is a different version so it's ok.) On topic: Nice builds bruh. I especially like that wooden house. I'm so naturalisticalistic. XD
  13. Frogger409


    %Argh% I sorta like it
  14. Lol I thought we already had this discussion on a different topic. No need to bring it up again; I believe it was solved on that topic.
  15. In no particular order: Artemis Fowl Series Inheritance Cycle Hatchet and sequels Redwall books (Haven't read all.) Hunger Games Trilogy Will add more as I remember.
  16. Frogger409


    I have been aware of this game for a while, and I also think it's kinda cool. They haven't cloned MC, they've just taken the idea and modified it. It's bookmarked to check progress >=)
  17. I will investigate this matter and clear your name. >_> Ummm, I think I am.... how do I put this...? GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!! If I die, I want cutie (yes we made up, no more talking about it) to keep my ipod. Summersong my DS1. Kevin my kindle. Zhuge can keep all my weapons. Darthfart can keep my puppy. And Ahhardwick can keep my computer. EYYY Why can't I keep anything?? I never did anything wrong >=( I feel abandoned, left out, deserted, betrayed, and sad. JUST KIDDING Why am I just kidding? cuZ NotHiN Iz GUnnA HapEN 2 U, GuRl! !?
  18. Like this. Host the image on somewhere(Imgur.com etc.) It will give you some links. Copy the one that says something like "Direct Link" or "Message Board" or "Forum" etc. Type "" and replace the * with the link you copied. NOTE: If the link already has "[img][img/]" then you don't need to do this. The End.
  19. GameOver. JSYK It was kev's fault. He lagged the server out. Just because Zhuge took your spot eh? So childish
  20. I will investigate this matter and clear your name. >_>
  21. You have been using the same way of typing as me, just a lot more relaxed. You've been using periods, apostrophes, capitalization, and yet you say that "It's killin' me so much that I had to post a topic up in the serious section about it." So hypocritical. T_T Ah well. TTTTT______TTTTT
  22. Lol WTF man. I told him that that would be what I would call him. I didn't like calling him 11. Plus, 7 is my fav number. 7GRF > 11014GRF IMO DEAL WITH IT (Prove it.)
  23. IMO, more mobs would be definitely welcome. I'd like to battle giant tarantulas, angry birds, crazy monkeys, blood thirsty sharks, and MAD GIRAFFES! More mobs = More blocks = More items = More mobs + more blocks + more items = :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D More physics would also be welcome. Natural disasters. Transportation methods. Etc etc etc. WORK NOTCH WORK, DOOEETTT (STOP PLAYING PORTAL2)
  24. Sorry for not posting earlier, 7. Ahem.. Well, I checked the sites out and it since I know nothing about 3d modeling, it looks crazy complicated(I'm talking about the sheeps). I already have Paint.net and I like it ^^. I tried going on your tutorials site but it couldn't be found so I couldn't do anything I'll have to look at other websites then. But, I don't want to get started on tutoring or anything since school and life keeps me busy @_@ This probably would only be done in my break times. Thanks for the info anyways, 7 ^^ Got me interested. P.S. What I asked you was how your game was going. I wanted to see pictures etc. of your progress. Thank-you nonetheless. -The Frog, ANYfrog.-
  25. Frogger409

    Pupil Griefer

    Yeah, missiles were super abused on the test server XD Wouldn't want that happening on the real one.
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