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Posts posted by Zhuge

  1. I suggest we ban him asap. I found out from zel kev has been acting differently for a while like begging zel, a underage girl forgiveness.

    Idk he keeps begging me to forgive him for one and his gf doesn't even know that he cheated on her -zelda

    Also kev has a irc called aitmafterdark. Notgood

    Some other things i found out. Kev had a thing for ph03b3 and that basially made her go irk at the mouf situation. Also i think he might have hiton a majority of the girls here. Something similar got him unstaffed at wom 1y ago. All of this is a tragic repeat of the past and he needs to be stopped.

    I recommend we talk to majority of the girls on aitm to find out if kev has planted any seeds un their loyality to aitm

  2. Kev, Onion gave you console so you could restart and maintain the server. That does not in any case mean you have power over any experts or even the grandmasters.

    you have had issues with the new gms ever since they got promoted and in every aspect such as smp, the aezir site thing. This is enough.

  3. Ericrb wrote:

    Expert+ color rank = ok?

    Yep since most experts are known to the community/forum

    Ericrb wrote:

    Adept+ little name tweak = ok?
    (ie. Gwenroden -> Gwenny)

    I think this would be ok in most cases but if we do that we have to make adepts more widely known

    Ericrb wrote:

    Name shortening on everyone = ok?
    (Removes numbers, if two players happen to have the same name add what they want)

    The only issue i see here is that you might get copycats (impersonators)

    Ericrb wrote:

    Trolling = ok?

    No. I think the current guidelines give enough room for us to work in. Trolling adepts would just be wrong. You want them to trust us as since there is a general shortage of them.

    In addition should we have a name change/alias log for staff?

  4. I chose to kept him banned cause him and lordo ended up having been found to have use basscannon on muplitple novices and arguing
    That its not abuse. I decided this on past history such as spamming tnt on main and asking for physics

  5. so there is going to be major changes in the 1.3 version of MC

    some of the major ones i have seen are >

    > Gaining Experience from mining ore is now different for each type of ore. (Mining Coal will give you the least amount while Diamond Ore & Emerald Ore will give the most amount of XP).
    > Nether Wart can now grow in the Overworld and The End
    > Signs are stackable up to 16. Crafting them now gives 3 signs instead of 1 with the same recipe.
    > Redstone (including repeaters, torches, levers, and pressure plates), Torches and Rails can now be placed on top of upside down slabs and stairs.
    > End farms wont work anymore due to the reduction of the end map and that players cant build off the main island anymore
    >Enchantment system has been rebalanced

    • The maximum enchantment level has been lowered from 50 to 30. As a result enchantment tables now require only 15 bookcases around them to allow maximum level enchantments.
    • With a full enchantment table set with bookshelves, at the bottom of the 3 enchantments, it always shows you the highest number possible
    • Using level 30 enchantments, the player has a lot more luck; almost all items get at least 2 enchantments
    • Various actions will now reward the player with Experience Orbs, such as mining ores (except Gold Ore and Iron Ore), using furnaces, and getting achievements
    • Levels are now awarded linearly. It takes 17 Experience to go up one level.
    • Shift-clicking now works with enchantment tables.
    Therefore, I propose the 1.2.5 map gets wiped. at the end of this month.


  6. [2012-07-04 17:33:36] (IRC) Matti_: guys, stop aboosing
    [2012-07-04 17:33:52] lordocraftmine: .,....... geez matti we anit abusing
    [2012-07-04 17:33:53] Heyunoobtube connected again, joined Entrance
    [2012-07-04 17:33:53] BugBoy: WE no aboosising.
    [2012-07-04 17:33:55] (IRC) Matti_: I'm serious.

    Fyi lordo you are next

  7. You were banned for tnt abuse in general, and more importantly kick abuse for novices. You also tried arguing with staff on the topic of this abuse. There is no need for further discussion. You will have 24h till i decide the final decision
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