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Everything posted by seraphiccandy21

  1. lol, wish I had known about this place earlier through one of my friends but it just happened to be one of the first 3 sites I got when I googled pet society fan. Thats something right!?
  2. I saw on spoilers we're going to get a new tree YAY! I'd love a pine-cone fish! Does anybody have some home-grown pine-cones to sell or trade?
  3. Wow! So many nice people to welcome little ol me Thanks guys!!!
  4. Was heisst keinen Vornamen angegeben? Es steht doch ganz klar links das dein Name "Sabine" ist! Noch nicht gesehen? Kennt irgend wehr velleicht jemanden der MH gold oder Egg breaker sacks gegen 4999's oder 999's eintauscht? Sonst habe ich auch noch ein paar RC ingredients. Hab grad all meine 4999s für Xmas Fisch Kekse augegeben,lol...bis jezt sind es 7/12 verschiedenen Fischen...hilfe!!
  5. Looking for chestnut tree and pine tree( is it even out yet???). Are you going to get some more???
  6. Been playing almost a year now I love PS!!! I currently reside in South Africa...I love clothes, chocolate, romantic comedys, the color fushia and lime green, cute fluffy animals, things with hearts on and Christmas. I dislike waiting a hundred years for PS to load, having no money and Twilight( sorry,lol but I have read the book and it really is terrible, every cliche ever written,urgh >_ I like to trade and really want to collect all the new pretty xmas fishes!! Especially the pretty bauble one...
  7. I watched half of "Rent" last night on the telly and it was great, although not as good as the real life musical lol. Last movie at the cinema was Jim Carrys "Christmas Carol".
  8. * im Raum rum blick* eh..hallo...ich bin neu in diesem Forum...und ich seh ihr habt alle eure echten Namen angegeben. Na so was...ist es den sicher um so was tuhen? Naja, wie auch immer. Ich bin zwar nur so halb Deutsch aber es ist die gute Hälfte *g*. Ich spiel auch schon jetzt seit fast einem Jahr schon...
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