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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. Toulouse

    Two choices

    sunny without a breeze shoes with or without heels
  2. type on it smash it replace it 3 things you can do with a blanket
  3. Toulouse

    If you had...

    I would get Tromo to scare the ghosts away what would you do if you had no friends?
  4. Lady Gaga ocean or swimming pool
  5. watermellon sour or sweet
  6. Toulouse

    Two choices

    Going to school (I don't like my dentist) time before noon, or time in the afternoon?
  7. Toulouse

    If you had...

    I'm afraid not, hahahaha If you were too small to be noticed, what would you do?
  8. hahaha, true the next person to post still goes to school
  9. water it put it in front of the window put it in the garden 3 things you can do with a computer mouse
  10. I ban Lucky because her pet has fangs
  11. Watermellon gum water or soda
  12. 1350 Now you know. No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you.
  13. Toulouse

    Gimme 5.....

    Gabs Giggles Lucky Strike Lea75 Pedj@ 94 Dixy Mage lvl8 Give me five candies
  14. Hmm, I think Miley Cyrus (don't know much about those two) gum or lolly
  15. False you're addicted to pepperoni pizza
  16. True (I think hahahaha) the next person to post will do jumping jacks
  17. call someone with it dust it off charge the battery 3 things you can do with a marker
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