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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. I think it's pretty awesome!!! Am glad I finally found one!
  2. I JUST FOUND ONE!!!!! YAY!!!!!! hahahaha
  3. Very happy for you!!! Gonna try a bit more lol :-D (*fingers crossed*)
  4. yay on finding the aquarium!!! I gave up for a bit, will try later
  5. Hey LS, I have you on my list... Check your door ;-) (sending over a spare sofa!)
  6. Good luck LS, on both things!!! I also started since yesterday (had two big exams right after each other), and finishing June 23rd
  7. oh wow, no one dropped by since yesterday eve! anyhow, 2nd exam done for today, 3 more to follow am taking this eve off, I am exhausted (sore throat and whatnot already) so going to enjoy doing absolutely nothing... or at least noting intensive, will be making a list for my summer trip and make a tiny schedule because I need to get a lot done after exams (including a visit to the hairdresser)
  8. Toulouse

    Happy Saturday!!!

    Glad it's Saturday eve here now, haven't planned a single thing, just a lazy evening and absolutely no studying whatsoever! I think I deserve a nice evening off :-)
  9. Hehehe, I dunno how much I've spent already on the digging to be honest. Still no luck for the aquarium, but still keeping my fingers crossed for that one! Finally some time to do some digging, haven't had much time cos I'm having finals now (3 more to go) :-D
  10. Ow wow, this is very useful information - thanks!!! It seems I am only missing the aquarium for now :-D I just wished the shovels weren't that expensive (and the game not so addictive hahaha)
  11. Yeah, at least I have some time inbetween, was worse last semester - exam in the afternoon and day after one in the morning (really early). I'll know results somewhere beginning of July so it seems :-) Going to revise everything once more and get up early tomorrow to do the same (probably twice)
  12. Looove this!!! Thanks for posting esperia!!
  13. Thanks! The weather is very odd here today! It feels like there's a thunderstorm coming up and it's very very hot outside! Was waiting for the bus after my exam, in the sun off course, and I felt as if I were melting! Thanks!! I finished an hour before you posted the message, so you made a really good estimation! We got 4 hours for this exam, I only had to use 3. I can tell you my head felt like it was going to explode! And an annoying auditorium where it took place: the tables were way too high to sit normal, you had to sit really upright (and that started to hurt after a while), the table tops were descending, which meant you couldn't just put a paper or a pen on it without it sliding towards you (so you must have seen me struggling, I think I dropped my papers for at least 5 times, but glad it wasn't my calculator - others did and that made a lot of noise) I just took a little powernap, time for me to hit the books again as I have another exam tomorrow in the afternoon (2pm my time). Think we get 3 hours tops for that and then I'm taking the eve off! I'm really exhausted, didn't sleep well and got up really early - same thing for me tomorrow! @ Dawn, have fun in Spain with OH and the other couple!!
  14. Just popping in to say: today's the first of 5 exams :-) In about an hour and a half I'll finally see the questions - hope to be less nervous then I am now...
  15. Thanks!! I didn't know about the restricted requests, I'll take a look later today (edited the restriction - thanks for letting me know)
  16. Thanks for the info Bee I am quite curious to read this story, but will have to wait until -yes- finals are over :-) Or maybe I can read bits and pieces when I take a break :p
  17. thanks!!! I just sent you a friend request : )
  18. well hello, I'm Toulouse, usually hang around in the C&G thread :-) Just noticed this thread, and wondered if anyone is interested in adding me for My Empire (and offcourse, I play Pet Society as well), if so, just send me a friend request (and if possible with a message including your forum name here and telling me it's for PS or My Empire, because I don't accept random requests). Thanks in advance!
  19. Thank you Needless to say I'm looking forward to this too, but first: finals to get through, then I can get really excited myself :-D Thanks Leo Just stopping by again real quick, am on a break (needed one, cos there's a headache coming up). Today is the second day I didn't take any pain meds - only took one before heading to bed yesterday and am about to do the same this evening. And so far, so good, it seems the jaw is improving (finally). I was about to lose my mind because of all the pain and not being able to concentrate on the books, but just in time it started to get better. I have put in my LED ticker the dates when I have finals, I will do that here too (I cannot remember if I did it before or not, if so, then I'm very sorry): June 11, 12, 15, 22 and 23. It's going to be a very exhausting period, but I am trying to make the best out of this. "Fun" thing is we have elections June 13th (you might have heard from all the mess we have here), so I lose some time doing that (we are obligated to cast a vote) and I don't even know who to vote for as I don't have the time to inform myself about all this. Other news worth mentioning is that Mom's going to the hospital tomorrow afternoon. She has visited the physio 20 times in the meantime, but that didn't help much (unless to keep the muscles flexible). She's having an MRI taken tomorrow - for her shoulder that is, so not yet a verdict of what is going on and what needs to happen. I'm guessing surgery (and terribly hoping it's not when I'm on vacation), but I'll keep you posted. Phew, long message ;-) Dinner-time here already and then back to the books...
  20. Stopping by real quick! Still having issues with wisdom teeth, was planning to call the hospital today, but since I haven't taken any painmeds since last night anymore and the pain is okay-ish, not going to do that. I have my first exam this Friday, then after that one 4 more to go (last one is on June 23rd), so I won't be here often, I need to concentrate on finals. Hope you are all okay! Laters!
  21. I need to read a bit more about it then, I didn't know! Wonder what his motives were (but we won't find out I am afraid as he killed himself) Bon appetit! I am off too, it's been nice talking to you all, but I am going to take some rest Laters!!
  22. Yeah, a man entered a court room (I think, I was in a bit of a daze) and started shooting, he killed 2 persons. Pffft, the madness of that man, I cannot grasp it!
  23. I've never had artichokes before to be honest, but I want to try them We're actually trying to harvest our own aubergines for the first time - I hope that works out!
  24. I wish I could have the real stuff too, but not mixing with pain pills, that's not going to end well. I might just have ice cream in a bit and settle for that :-D Sounds all very yummy you two! You have my interest for the Chihuahua, but actually I'm good (I didn't know they still had those in the boxes?)
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