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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. did everyone move to somewhere else?
  2. well going to go do some visits... will check in later
  3. flips the lights on and starts the kettle fore tea and the coffee maker to brew.... will be back in a few. walks really fast to get rid of the sugar rush from yesterday!
  4. hmmm back to the drawing board on number 8
  5. bye Kijo and thanks ducks the skirts GL Gill off to the shower for me and then shopping.. be back later
  6. ooo osrry missed it... and still can't find my easter Mystery Gift
  7. <--still waiting for a clue..watching clock.. knows you only have ten minutes left
  8. only becomes tacky when boob tattoos are on your knees now LOLOL
  9. and back to piercings.. they are so personal.. Daughter says she had her nostril pierced because Eastern Indian women clam right nostril piercing relieves menstrual pain.. I think it worked for her.. then she found a BC that she only has to have 4 a year.. so that was even better!
  10. back.. lamb cake.... not made of lamb.. but in a mold which looks like a lamb.. frosted white and covered in coconut
  11. be right back Let me know if the arm sweep works... all I have left is the very right third of my kitchen counter... need to get it done so I can bake my lamb cake
  12. I'm looking for a hint for # 8.. the goldish squiggly line.... everyone else seems stumped as well... maybe just a store would do? or one of your very cryptic hints
  13. Gill...what time do we have to have in the list of spotted eggs?
  14. oh.. while I'm begging for hints..... look who pops up! Good morning kijo!
  15. yes I saw the hint.. still missing march 31... that reminds me.. have to send you the jpg...
  16. The game crashed within seconds of receiving it... and it didnt even occur to me to look for it right after I got back in
  17. eeeek... someone sent me a Mysterious Easter Gift yesterday.. and I can't find it!
  18. very sweet picture Bee! such pretty eyes
  19. gnight Armell..... and yes, looks like laundry Bee
  20. ahh but see... if you split the English muffin with a fork.. all those cells are thee... the better to catch the butter.
  21. walking Mark out to the car be back soon
  22. is that the outside of the crumpet Gill? when you open the english muffin.. with a fork, never a knife, that's how they look.
  23. 5 am here.. but lots to do today, no morning nap for me
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