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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. too bad she couldn't have done a price comparison! and now we are limited on how many money bags for 50 coins we can claim.. which is just so much BS
  2. What is Bovril? Sorry Bee, all I'm having for breakfast is an injection and some pills... will eat in 3-4 hours. Funny,, we call crumpets English muffins
  3. breakfast???? Is there coffee???? and maybe bacon too???? Good morning all! so far see Army, Bee and Gill!
  4. oh Dear Sweet Loving Kijo.... I think we need a hint for number 8..... don't you?
  5. well.. I am going to go find some lunch and then lie down for a bit.. see you all later
  6. I just don't understand why everything s so beige all the time
  7. Capsules Detergent Rainbow Skateboard Decor Beige Laundry Bin Pink Big Office Chair new MB's but have not seen them yet
  8. Bradford pear Pyrus calleryana Magnolia no wonder I am confused
  9. well then will go along with you two.. However. It does not grow tall like a magnolia... and the leaves do not look like magnolia when they come out. Just happy that it's warm enough to bloom
  10. just be sure they send you home with good drugs
  11. strange thing is.. I ordered a magnolia tree... then they told me it wouldn't work.. so they gave me a Bradford tree... but I thought magnolia as well.... who knows.. One thing , for sure, I am not a gardener
  12. yikes... let me go back and edit out
  13. did it show that last time?
  14. ykes.. gigantic.. one more try
  15. so stupid when it comes to posting pics
  16. hmm well that didn't work Hi Sharon,Nicky and Sophie
  17. trying to get to facebook photos to load a pic I took of my pear tree... just flowered today!
  18. You'd laugh if you could see my computer right now.. Have the camera, my phone and my MP3 player all hanging off the USB ports... Don't you just love technology?
  19. OK am back and Robin is gone I found a late posted one.. counted that for the day before.. Just missing one I think
  20. am just missing the one day now - yesterdays.. 'll find it though... Need to send you the jpg for part 1 as well. still talking with robin but outside on deck now.. be back soon
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