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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. to> to> Yay so i finally found out how to make sketched drawings that have been scanned to the computer into lineart! feel free to comment , its only beginner lineart i didnt want to get really complicated original sketch drawing by xXspriteXx on tof
  2. but luckily a veteran saw chick dying and took him to the vet and gave him surgery and he was fine! but then they took him to the pound and he was in a cage next to dogs!!!
  3. the farmer tried to cut the chick but missed and his axe was stuck in the ground , the chick ran for his life! but then he fell into quick sand!
  4. but the chick escaped by hiding under the seeds and ran to the exit but then the farmer came out and took him and caged him in with the other chicks!
  5. but luckily superman swooped down and grabbed the chick from the river! but because the chick was wet with water he slipped and fell!
  6. but luckily the oil wasnt hot yet so he slipped out of the oil and ran! but then he slipped and fell into the garbage bin where a very hungry cat was!
  7. but luckily he found some medication in the shop and he was not sick anymore! but because he didnt pay for it the shop owner planned to eat him!
  8. Hey Courteney Welcome lol if you want to trade items visit the trading section http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/trading-f43/
  9. LOL , just like me , i used to think why are girls so head over heels with a stupid vampire movie? but when i watched it for the first time last year i liked it so much!! it was awesome so when new moon came out i downloaded it on my computer lol and its still on here this month i have watched twilight 5 times again and last month i watched it 3 times and have watched new moon the same amount of times my favourite part of the first movie is when edward is playing the piano next to bella its so dreamy lol oh and the baseball game! i have only read eclipse and breaking dawn because i figured since i already watched the first and second movie i wouldnt have to read those books , breaking dawn is my best one out of the two at the moment im reading a fanfiction book on the computer called Waning Moon (it tells the story of Carlisle's life! )
  10. sorry only have 1 cc left , when i buy more cc ill let you know if you still need some
  11. Oh okay. Can I send you a wig then? And you dye it black for me please? EDIT: Oh right. 1cc left. My bad. Sorry to bother you. Have a nice day. Thanks! np tthankyou
  12. hehe thankyou!! love urs more haha
  13. after a long time i have finally changed my pets name from pumpkin Pie to Alice (one of my fav characters on twilight) yay put her in my avi too lol
  14. sorry as i said i have no more available cc , i only have 3cc left and 2 cc is myladyyawo
  15. sent foxy polys friend bubble blower thing lol - 13cc , waiting for items sent mangoberri bait magnet and received her items will add rep myladyyawo i can do yours with my last cc send the wig over anytime and ill dye it for you and send it back (let me know what colour) sorry to everyone else but i have to refuse your offers as i am low on cc when i get more cc ill put you on the list and will pm you if you are still interested thankyou all for stopping by my thread
  16. sorry im not looking for specific MB items , if you want to offer in 999s that would be better but that is too low for 20 cc sorry
  17. Welcome Didi will see you around hopefully
  18. I have 13 cc available now if you still need it let me know
  19. deal accepted please send f/r when your ready
  20. AAh films were never my thing. Have to leave - need to do some chores, and the phone's just gone. bye Gill xx
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