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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Benvenuto, dopo aver presentarti qui vi prego di inviarmi un PM e vorrei aggiungere che per inviarvi un piccolo omaggio!
  2. Hello and welcome! Nice to meet you
  3. great~ thanks~ plz receive my FB sent f/r , it said you sent me one but it still says awaiting friend confirmation
  4. Si thats diritto, nuove cose per venire al angolo italiano! Si dovrà aspettare e vedere!
  5. hehe ill make it a couple hours instead , so we dont have to wait as long
  6. aww thankyou kasijab!! i have the wallpaper already now still need the floor though green tartan flooring sent xx thankyou so much!!
  7. it has happened to me lots of times , but only when the notification pops up ....... - ...'s pet, ..... visited Pumpkin Pie in Pet Society just to give them a massive hug! Click here to see check out the sweet moment! when you click on the click here , it loads ps and when it loads you can see the pet who had visited you in the notification , in your house
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