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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. wow that is sad , ARMY HELICOPTERS! for an olympics?? what is wrong with these ppls these days! anyway i really am going now , cya
  2. idk i think its a warning to me that i should go to bed . lol i will good luck on the doll your making , sounds like fun!! i've made a teddy before lol but seems i've lost it night armell and night bg if ur still here x
  3. Gill , go ahead have another guess!!
  4. Hello armell haha its okay i like being quoted
  5. Hi Bg wow that would be great
  6. sorry dont think i took photos when i made a dragon themed room last year i made an arch out of the red drum decos in the middle of the room (the drums are stackable btw ) and in the middle of the arch i put my dragon boat bench , with my dragon doll above it , then i made small and big towers on the sides of the room and on some of the lower towers i put dragon flag decos this is just an idea
  7. Hello everyone , wont stay for long its 2:30 am here . probably need to go to bed soon , or i might get sick again
  8. Here is my entry, i couldnt decide between night and day :I
  9. Nice to meet you Visnja, hope you enjoy it here be sure to check around the whole forum you never know what you'll find
  10. hmm if i were in control of PSFC for one day i would............ i would make a thread it would be called COMPLETED TRADES all psfc members who have traded in this forum successfully post the link to the trade then every week one link will be randomly selected by numbering the links and using a random generator to pink the number the winner ( the person who posted the completed trade link , not the other trader) would win 1000 paw pounds for every warning given to a member they will lose 100 of their paw pounds to make more people active , i would send out invites to invite them to a quiz in the chatroom at a certain time to make sure they can be there and prepare each answer that is correct will win them 20 paw pounds i might assign badges to the starters of the 4 groups BAC creator FAD creator Twilight creator C&G creator only if they wanted the badge , but in their profile their rank would be listed I would hold a competition called (your junk for our treasure) the person who donates most of their unwanted items to pscf storage will win either something rare or more paw pounds the items raised will go to some of the lower level pets owned by some of the members of the forum ( im pretty sure everyone would be truthful , it is a nice place after all) i would also add a pole , which is your favourite game on facebook? apart from ps and the games listed on OTHER GAMES the most loved game will be added to the other games list another thing to do would create a PSFC original Collection Book , another tab would be added to our profile (if this is even possible) and can only be changed by admin/moderators one type of sticker would be hidden 20 times each day over any of the active threads throughout the forum section with a hint to where it is if they find the sticker they would pm it to the mayor or other admin/moderators to add the picture to the new collection tab on their profile , once they have found all the stickers for the collection say (5 different stickers per collection) will get a reward each collection stickers will be of ps items ( like the ones we have in ps) except instead of bronze, silver and gold it would be different colors example : pink,blue,purple,yellow,green etc. i would also make a thread for people to come to, to all chat in one thread if everything else is active so that its easier to find people the last thing i would do is make a thread to post all png ps item pictures in , so that if anyone wanted them for their signature or for a thread their making they can go there and wont have to use ones with yellow behind the pictures Haha thats it , sorry for all the writing , these are only suggestions
  11. okay this is getting sad guys probably about 30 people have clicked to look here and only Gill (Zoonie) has guessed come on theres nothing to lose just take a guess , u dont even have to choose 9 , at least one!! i will extend this to the morning to let anyone who wants to participate, participate
  12. hi lea, can i know if mines the right size , its 630 x255 but my computer could be wrong just want to check thanks
  13. finally sent, accidently went into offline mode adding rep
  14. haha i think im cursed was sending over the last 999 and sending failed
  15. ahh im hurrying lol either shows the mayors face or a blank screen!!!
  16. okay im refreshing , trying to anyway lol keeps coming up blank , hold on
  17. okay , umm would u take 2 gmbs as 1*999 then ?
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