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Everything posted by CharlotteLouise

  1. (Me neither Hina but I was still proud of myself for finding those words with the help of Google ) 8 Grocery
  2. (I managed to find 2 words beginning with Y - Yeomanry - The position or rank of a yeoman & Youngberry - fruit of youngberry: a large, sweet, dark-purple fruit, a hybrid of the blackberry and dewberry I was quite proud of myself for finding those ) 8 Berry
  3. That's probably your best option if you're not a big internet user as you'll be paying for something you're not getting your moneys worth sorta thing. Internet dongle things are great - they're not as fast as wireless internet in my opinion (but that's just my experience with our usb dongle thing - we have both wireless & a spare internet dongle stick thing) but they're still quite fast and are great for if you only want to use the internet for a small amount of time I'd guess using games like Pet Society would possibly use up the usage more than just normal web browsing though You might find the internet dongle/stick is perfect for you but you might also find you're spending a lot more money than expected on the internet so then you'd be better with the broadband/internet in your home, just trial and error I guess
  4. Ferris wheel (it's not so scary ) PC or Laptop?
  5. I am Zach, I am a Zebra, I live in the Zoo and today I am zapping bugs I couldn't think of anything for Z
  6. Awww wow, love your rooms Sara & Jennifer! They both look so warm and cosey from the chilly Autumn outside
  7. I love all of the competitions on here but I especially like What's in the Chest, Find the Bag of Coins, BAC Bingo, etc - just toooooo many to choose! Talking about sudoku's, I never understood them before I tried doing them because they just looked too hard to do but when I tried them I actually found them quite easy I can't do the really hard complicated ones but I can do easy/normal ones I can't do crosswords though because the clues just aren't helpful enough in my opinion and the answer is usually a word I've never even heard of before so how am I supposed to answer them
  8. I am Xanthi, I am a Xylophone, I live in Xenia and today I am (e)xcited.
  9. Yvette put the full name of the laptop she's getting in a previous post, I looked on google at what it looks like Hope you get your new laptop soon though Yvette and enjoy it!
  10. Oooh I like both but ^_^ is cute hehe Sun or Rain?
  11. Butterflies Chimpanzees or Orangutans?
  12. Awww no I'll keep posting them whenever I see them for you
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