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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. yep Thalia is my favorite favorite artist. i had a Marimar image before this one so glad to here you know her and also HELPPPPPPP!!!! please
  2. good idea Kasi... i tried to help you but you dont have a wall page on your FB, so i cant see your posts....
  3. A new Icon has been added to the game a little hammer up the free gifts icon you can now choose between a Pink Tapee and a totem pole. you only need 25 friends to help you make them so PSFC members lets start helping each other
  4. i guess Kasi will have to try harder to win tiddly's heart
  5. i now strogly think that 5 de mayo is more popular around the world, than september 15, even though for us mexicans the most important date is september 15 and now im curios about st. George's day... do you celebrate it with some sort of traditions or something?
  6. Happy ST. George day to all of you.... i can understand how proud you Englis all feel (apart form Lisa ) im get that feeling too every september 15th. thats the day Mexico was independent..... and i am so exicted that 5 de mayo is coming soon, hope PS makes new holiday items for this year
  7. well in my defense, you were that one who tought me to quote
  8. do you know something about the new spoilers? havent they relased them yet?
  9. Falcor

    H***** free zone

    the letter H maybe, but no one has mentioned the dreaded word i ment in very title of the replies. changed it just for you hahaha... that wasnt necessary i was just joking.. but this way the H word now its really really banned from this thread
  10. why dont you try the offline method with the trees... all you need is a fertilizer saved in your chest it works for trees as well... thats how Chay, Pink, Pixel and I got them,
  11. Falcor

    H***** free zone

    the letter H maybe, but no one has mentioned the dreaded word i ment in very title of the replies.
  12. ShiShi is hear to remind you What Not To Wear! See my avatar if you have any questions. Thank you. hee hee. i like seeing shishi in her ecowear but i'm not sure if i'd want to spend my hard earned recycle points for old chinese food or newspaper as clothes... we'll have to see what they can come up with. then i guess im the only silly silly person here. i like Mamashishis's whole outfit, i have always dressed my pet in funny otfits... you can now call me crazy
  13. 11:45 i say Gaia im amazed with your imagination with comps... you manage to turn everything into a comp... i have to learn so much from you
  14. Falcor

    Favorite Food?

    Sinemonine salsa is sauce in english
  15. Falcor

    H***** free zone

    quick question if the H word is banned from this thread why do i see it on every Post
  16. Falcor

    H***** free zone

    1.colour: Orange 2. flower: Gerber Daisy............................................... i think you mean this ones clair 3, tv programme: Friends 4. book: The Never ending story 5. food: pizza 6. drink: diet coke 7. film: the same moon or artificial intelligence 8. board game: does Wii count? 9. animal: dogs 10. singer: THALIA!!!!!!! wondeful thread Kasi
  17. wow.. girls your amazing... thank your for all those wonderful words... dont know how i missed this thread earlier thank you chay and Lucky and Thank you Evi.... actually you just hit me with that first video... amor ala mexicana remix is my very favorite Thalia Video Love you all
  18. i've sent you a wonderlad flower decor... its the only thing o could find.. i dont have any rose decor.... but i just saw that Tiddly did her thing BTW you might want to correct the color of your first post
  19. perhaps its a black mariachi (charro) outfit, 5 de mayo is coming (im so excited) and hidenni is plannig on giving tiddly a serenade
  20. im just very excited everytim new items are added as for the eco wear, it has been really polemic, hasn't it?
  21. aww, well what ever you please... you dont have to sent nothing else you know but i am wondering if you by any chance are selling the roses decor you have on your front room? i would like to buy them, if your not selling them its okay dont worry
  22. im guessing it might be the eco wear, they talked about ages ago you know the takeout hat... that little chinese food box upside down but this is only my guess im not slightly sure
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