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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. yes... its that ok... or you tell me
  2. yay!! thanks... well i dont really know the rate as you can see in the above posts i was usully gifted almost every item lol so i really dont know... but my guess is 5x3333?
  3. Briliant! Now remember one thing: they were pillaged on the recent cheat, plenty was going as gifts, even to random people, the same like other bc items, they were just flying around. I'm a popular fb player, I play a lot, I see what's going on and I can't believe the transformation of my neighbour pets... yes i know... i have noticed too so we will only have to be aware of that so we dont get ripped off by huge prices. its still better to trade for an especific item, but with fair prices i may add
  4. i second bunny thank you Lucky
  5. sent you over the 2 wallpapers... the other thigs they are not in stores
  6. yes tiddly i noticed and left a note at your house.... first your lamb petlings, not you corasages.... whats next? i will give you one of my corsages so you dont have to waer pink
  7. yes they do look beautiful... i already bought more lol
  8. its an old saying from the mexican region where Rocia (sinemonine) and me are from although im from Mexico city, but i know a lot of sayings from the southeast part of mexico is a mexican curious
  9. i cant believe "lo busco lo busco y no lo busco" has got into PSFC it really cross borders lol i cant stop laughing
  10. well i hope everyhting is alright and im so happy to see you around here
  11. Ames... i ahvent seen you for a few days now... glad to see that little online sign on top of your posts
  12. thank you kasi... then i guess we will be getting more than 2 different corsages one of every different color of the different flowers i wonder how many different flowers are they
  13. does anybody knows how the do work? i just looked at my 4 pots and have 4 different kind of tall flowers but i cant pulled them out. do we have to wait one more day or something? and also i was under the understanding that there were only 2 different kind of corsages purple and red, but i have 4 different kind of flowers
  14. i agree more. items will be great... and Lisa's idea is really good, i havent thought of that.... buy them to make coins well done
  15. noooow i get whats the fly killer thingys my turu turu of the window whenever it wanted it past to the front and whenever it didnt it just went to the back of the window. i had about 3 teru's and one blue wind thingy and i never could have the 4 of them in the front they always switch as the pleases... it was like they were taking turns
  16. yes its really annoying, and it eveb goes infront of the gazebo but do you know what annoys me the most when for some reason PS is kidn with you and lets you put the items where you want them, but when you switch rooms or log back int ps they are all mixed up specially when you spent hours on decorating the room the perfect way
  17. hello, how much would you like for the golden poo? editing: i already got one gifted... thank you i wont be needing it anymore
  18. Falcor


    do you still have your white fan? how much for it thankyou
  19. we are temporarily locking the thread as the member has been not online for more tha 2 weeks. Obbyz If you want to re-opening the thread please pm any mod/admin who will be happy to help
  20. perhaps the items will be realesed with in a few days. i even tried putting items in the eco bag to see if it worked.. and guess what? i didnt
  21. have you seen this? ive tried recycling some items to trade for the small eco box but got a monkey plant or someone know how this works? Please note that no new eco items have been released yet, we will let you know as soon as PF adds them. Recomandation, do not waste your recycle point untill further notices Thankyou
  22. Falcor

    smorkle is back!

    Welcome Back Smorkle. glad to see that you're back i can tell you had a wonderful time. hope you feel better soon beautiful picture BTW
  23. mmmm.... how do i begging there is a room in my house that i dont use alot, i still dont know how to decorate it and i mostly use it to take some things off my chest, or to fix it for some projects i have in mind like taking pic to edit then, make small videos, or whatever that cross to mind so i was cheking on the members comps and remebered my entry for the Movie award comp hosted by Tweet and Ames. i used that room to make the sceen for my entry and guess what my second graduate doll was there, sitting on a school chair, hidding from me. so thank you all of you who took the time for reading my thread and helping me out to sort it i can now gladly say that i FOUND MY SECOND GRADUATE DOLL
  24. mine look so tine and fragil, at least they are taller lol or the one i think is mine, coz it hasnt have a name but i can tell by the number lol come on tiny little precious little plants you can do it
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