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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. hello Meredith's Shop can you please add a FB link in order to make trades, it is an important rule here in PSFC to have a valid FB link thank you
  2. is it true ladies, that liza minelli appears in the movie?
  3. lmao poor mickey, im pretty sure he didnt know were to hide
  4. its one of those happy glitches :d just dont tell the mayor he is giving out free tents to everybody
  5. i recieved 4 tents form the mayor... i wasnt missing mine from the original vacation ticket, so now i have twice us much tents.
  6. i never heard that story, but it makes totally somuch sense. now a lot of things cleared in my mind
  7. Falcor

    Close, please :)

    closing by request
  8. couldnt said it better, thanks Riuna
  9. thanks again everyone for your nice words, you dont know how much they cheer me up. we do have laws here too against those kind of incidents, first of all a vet has to keep that dog for observation, and then if the victim recalls to put him down they do, (if the dog doesnt dies by itsefl) or else they use that dog as attack dogs for policeman or the army or things like that. in this case, we werent going to sue, coz in this morning a member of my family went to talk to the owner with our vet to take the dog, but they couldnt control the dog, so the vet is going tomorrow with 2 more people to get the dog. and the owner acted really polite embarrassed and ashame of what his dog did. he accpeted to give away his dog and put him to sleep. i was feeling a little sad for that, coz as Lazar said "dogs arent inocent they are unpredictable" but today, i got home from the theater and i went to the little house we have near our house to work on some props for the play, and i took my dog along, of course i wasnt alone this time. and guess what? that man was again out with his dog with a leash. when i saw him i ran to get my dog that was tide up in a pole and locked him in the bathroom (poor little guy, he was crying his eyes out) but i wasnt going to take any chance. we tried to talk to the mand an he said some words and walked ahead, so we got the car and follow him, reach him, he say my scars and told him that if he doesnt out his dog away and be more careful we ARE sue-ing. and he acted all like " im so sorry" but nothing else. i was actually aspecting some "what can i do for you" but i got nothing, he just said that he was going to lock his dog right away and wait for the vet tomorrow, and all he did was got inside his house, left the gate opened till the dog (thats was running side to side unwatched) diceded to get in by himself. that is just having no consciousness, im really so mad right now at him for being like this. i mean, its unbelievable that he took his dog out again and worst without a leash. and the dog was just crazy running all over the place. we stayed in fornt of his house and waited untill the dog got in... and then the man shouted out of his house window "thankyou" thankyou for what? for watching his dog while he left it there unwatched? im so sorry, but now im sueing that man, not for what the dog did, but for his unconsciousness, now i do think that he doesnt cares about the consequences
  10. we have that same thing here in our local park, its a very new thing, i think it has less than a year or so... and its all very nice kept too, no graffitis or anything a lot of old people like to go their early morning to excersise, then later in the day, kids just play with them i think its a really neat thing to have in parks
  11. thanks a lot girls, your words really make my smile. i've just got back from the vet, and he injected some antibiotics to my doggy and will give him a medicate bath tomorrow, as for me im alright, i still dont know how on earth am i going to take a bath without hurting my back but, you know, i cant go to work all smelly as for the theater i just guess my characters will all have to have a band tight to their arm. im feeling all right, just when i move my arm or lean over my back it hurts a little, but nothing waaay to painfull thanks again girls for your support. i will keep you updated with this story love you all
  12. hello everyone, im just here to tell you that yesterday i was doing my usual midnight walk with my dog so he can do his duties, when all of a sudden a big dog came to us and starting attacking my dog. of course i already had my dog lifted up so the other one couldnt reach it, and the owner was like, "oh its okay he doesnt bite" welll to make the long story short i have all my tummy and back scratched, i mean my back is worse, you can even see my skin, its all coverd with red log stripes amd the worse part its that that dog bit my arm trying to get my dog. its hurts pretty much so we went right away to the doctor got some sticthes, washed and everything. my dog is pretty much well, he doesnt have anything. i think i did a pretty well job protecting my dog, forgot all about my self lol and now our vet is taking that other big dog to observation to see why he attacked me and after that they are putting him to sleep. i feel pretty bad for that dg and the owner, but thats just the way it has to be pretty much right now i can sit on my back, and i can barely move my arm. im taking pills, doing daily washes. my dog is running all over the place happy and if like nothing happened. all though yesterday after the incident he could stop shaking. the good news its that im all rightm in one piece, alive and making jokes about it. im pretty much sure it looks worse that it seems so i just want to say, be aware of big dogs, you never know when this could happen
  13. i've sent the payment hun, sorry for the delay, please check if i didnt miss anything there should be 12x3333
  14. hello hun, can i have 4 sets of the new items please? i will send over the 12x3333 thank you
  15. i believe there is... i have ten and o cant get any more but i heard that if you already got ten and purchased the wwf box with all the bear items you were able to get 11 all though im not quiet sure though
  16. i fell in love with the new pegasus too but the lions are very special for me coz i battle a lot to get the female one. and they look just like simba and nala so. i think i will have to selll the poor little dog and still think of which othe coz i now me and i will want to own to pegasus
  17. i love petlings but i already have my collection complete and i dont know what to do with the new coming pegasus i have 2 lion, boy and girl 2 bears, that i love coz the y play together 3 tiggers that i will never sell coz i love those little guys 2 lambs that im not to thrilled about them but they are cute 1 dog, that i think will be that one that i will be selling coz its the only not cash one but i hate to do it coz its the very first petling i ever got and i love dogs im a big dilema... which one to sell to get the new pegasus?
  18. i didnt even see the first one... im not that much into sex and the city. but since i heard that Liza minelli is going to sing all the single ladies from beyonce in the movie.. i cant miss it
  19. i used to think like that PPP wasnt one of my favorites from the album, but now thats everywhere, im beggining to like it, and the video is well... speechless
  20. wow... that is scary... its not justification for the woman, but in that state of shock i guess those things might happen. but to think of your dogs before your grandsons it is not something to be proud of. im just thankful the little kid made it out safetly or else,
  21. wow.. congratulations mylady... that is a lot of work im so proud of you
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