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Posts posted by RocLibrarian

  1. My friends have been really loving to me this year. I moved across the country and so I have been pretty sad occasionally -- but they still talk long distance on the phone to me as long as I want. I wish I could buy them all flowers or a nice V-Day lunch.

  2. This is a lot of goals! Are you making progress on any of them? I think the most important one is probably your grades. I am a very forgetful person too, and I am almost 30, so unfortunately it doesn't get better sometimes. Some things that have helped me: using gmail calender alerts, also, having a basket by the door where I always keep my wallet, keys, and mobile. I used to lose those things every single day until I came up with the basket.

  3. I love the Bay Area!

    To you, next poster, I give a home-made dinner of risotto, pan-seared scallops and raspberry chocolate mousse for desert. The dinner is served in my cozy dining room with a white table cloth, a view through the window of snow falling gently outside in the moonlight, and red candles in silver candlestick holders.

  4. Hi Hash,

    Many colleges and workplaces will reimburse you for counseling sessions (if you are currently in college or are employed). Be sure to check out the counselor's credentials first and make sure they are GLBT friendly (some are not). I am suggesting counseling because for me, it was the only thing that helped with issues of acceptance. I suffered extreme rejection from my parents when I told them I didn't want to be Baptist anymore (my mother told me she wished I hadn't been born). My parents and I get along okay now. I am also a bi woman and it has been very difficult for me to talk about this with people. I have kept my relationships with women very private. Talking with a counselor about this has also been helpful to me to understand more about why I so often feel, as you say "freakish." Feeling unwanted or rejected can be extremely painful and can make you feel suicidal. It is important to know that other people have felt this way too and overcome it.

  5. I think Valnetine's Day is stressful to people in relationships and not. People not in relationships feel bad for being single. People in relationships feel stressed about having to make the other person happy on V-Day, and living up to cultural expectations.

    As for flowers, I have to say that even though I know they cost more this time of year, I really love them. My husband usually dones't remember that I like romance, but on Valentine's he always buys me flowers -- so I don't want that to stop, really. He usually buys a really fancy arrangement that I would not feel bold enough to buy just for myself, but as a gift I love it!

  6. I used to have Rychu goldfish. They lived for 5 years, which is pretty good for goldfish. I was too sad when they died to get more. My husband is in a graduate program and he does not want a new puppy or kitty right now. Oh well. maybe in a few years when he is done . . . I want a kitty a lot. I like relaxed and fluffy cats that enjoy sitting in your lap.

  7. geney wrote:
    RocLibrarian wrote:
    Geney, if you agree to a safe trader ref, I will accept your bid.

    Yes, I totally agree. Smile

    Who would you choose?

    I have asked Tiddly Winks if she would ref our trade since I know her already. I am awaiting her reply.
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