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Posts posted by RocLibrarian

  1. Love the glowing fishies. I agree with the poster here who said it would be slightly better if the wallpaper was less busy and we could buy add-ons for a more custom look, but I am still pretty thrilled. Visiting my Underwater Cafe makes me so happy! I wish I had one in real life. And that someone else fed and cleaned all the fish, of course.

  2. Wow. I wouldn't even think to go to a friend's house and try to put their stuff in my chest. Hopefully none of my friends would do that to me either, so a glitch like that shouldn't matter if you trust your visitors. Unless . . . I guess people visit from a cafe? Anyhow, glad to hear it is fixed.

  3. I just had the strangest experience. Oberon opened up a PMB and inside was another PMB! I opened up the second PMB and it was normal and revealed a tulip in a vase. Has anyone else ever gotten a mystery box in a mystery box before? Do you think you can get different colors? How strange is it that my box had an identical box inside?

  4. Here is my opinion from looking at what my friends have done since graduating college about 5 years ago. In order to have a successful career you should either 1) go to a trade school (dental hygienist, nurse, land surveyor, chef etc.), or 2) get a master's degree and either work in academia or in a specific field (for instance I have a MS in library science and work as a librarian).

    Those who went to a 4 year and chose something they were not passionate about have been mostly lost. They live with their parents (still!), work at jobs that wouldn't require college (barista, call center employee etc.). Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of middle management positions out there anymore waiting for a person with a bachelor's in anything. I think this was true in my parent's generation, but it is not true anymore.

    I'm sorry to sound like a downer, but I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I feel that colleges have not caught up with the modern workforce and that they do not know how to properly advise their students.

  5. Hi Luka,

    A little time has passed since you first posted this. I want to add something though. I agree that it can be very difficult to be different from your parents. When I was a teen, I used to tell my parents, "You don't understand me." They thought it was a joke and would tease me, but I'm almost 30 now, and I have turned out to be a very different kind of adult than they are. I don't have the same political beliefs, or relgion. I don't like the same movies, or eat the same kind of food. We truly are very different. For instance, I think it is okay to cry when you are sad because it is just your heart hurting, but my parents think it is bad to cry because they say you are only feeling sorry for yourself and are not helping anything by crying. As someone from a slightly similar situation, there is good news and bad news for you. The good news is that being a child in your parents home is only a small portion of your life. A much bigger percentage will be up to you to determine. Being an adult can be wonderful. You can choose not to live with people who yell at you or put you down, for instance. The bad news is, if you are like me at all, then you will always love your parents deep down and you can never be 100% happy if they don't tell you that they love you. This can hurt. The thing that helps me is to try to love my parents anways. I try to recognize any small good thing that I can so that I can compliment them on it. This helps us get along better. Unfortunately, although it often works to have rational discussions as many people on here suggest, there are some instances where it will not work. If it does not work to explain yourself calmly and honestly and you are punished for speaking your mind, then be patient and remember that someday you will be an adult, and stay strong in your heart and your mind.
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