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Everything posted by Ursula1

  1. @Mango: My arabian nights were a snake doll, a tent, floor and wallpaper, two pants and two tops. I think I don't forget nothing About the other two destinations, I have no idea, I can't afford them Edit: ok, one of my PSFC angels (Gaia ) has gifted me with another beautiful holiday pack, so this is the pic of the things it has:
  2. Another limited item: the pink car :S Why has it not been announced? And it's all so expensive :S I think each week things are being more and more expensive
  3. Then it's a glitch. I'm sure it is because of the new wallpapers (if you put one in the garden, I suppose the current one will go to the chest, but obviously I haven't put anything, cos I can't yet)
  4. Is this a glitch or some new feature? In my garden chest there are two new things that have just appear there: the garden floor and the garden wallpaper, but my two gardens have them both. Could it be because of the new garden wallpapers? Is my chest an alien? Am I crazy? What do clouds smell like? They may be there since one or two days, I'm not sure because I haven't checked that. I cannot sell o recycle them. It's weird.
  5. @Kathy, sorry, but the cheesecake is gone. I couldn't take a picture of it because when I found the camera, there was no cake anymore ^____^
  6. I'm going to a barbecue in a friend's house I've made a delicious blueberry cheesecake for it Have a nice day!!!
  7. Yes, Hugsy! (Here it was calle Abrazín) abrazin... its actually literal translation where are you from ? I'm spanish
  8. Yes, Hugsy! (Here it was calle Abrazín)
  9. Yes, thank you sweetie. Now I'm worried because maybe the previous times I sent a gift it never worked
  10. - Read a lot - Rest even more - Prepare myself a bubble bath - Go shopping - Go to the cinema with some friends - Spend time with my hubby (going for a walk, chatting in the couch) - Pay a visit to those people I always want to visit and I never can't - Reorder a room - Be happy There is a lot of thing to do
  11. Yes, it was my navigator and not a glitch. My niece has confirmed me that she didn't receive any flower before, but now she did, so I won't use Opera for PS Just reject all gifts that say I hasn't gifted anything, because you won't get the seed, and accept the last one
  12. O_O What could have happened? I actually sent flowers to all of you, why do PS think I didn't? Edit: I think is a problem of my navigator. I'm using Opera and I have too many troubles with sending gifts I'll try to use another navigator.
  13. Oh, great. Now they should fix the japanese window glitch
  14. I think these new items are more original than other times I'm very interested in the rideable ostrich I'm sure I'll spend all my savings in those tickets
  15. I sending the flower seeds from now
  16. Ursula1


    I won't feed him, he probably eats kitties
  17. My hubby and I would go to live near my parents, in the country. I'm tired of live in cities since I grow up with fields and animals. Only one condition: with internet
  18. I cannot cook either But I think when they solve that, we're going to make a soup boombing to dawn
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