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Posts posted by Leahfy

  1. Now I am reading "The Bell at Sealey Head" by Patricia McKillip. It's a very sweet book. I definitely recommend this book. The writing style is beautiful and the story is fun and light hearted but still dramatic and engaging, and the characters are endearing and individual.

  2. mystery and fantasy classics? I can give recommendations!

    The Worm Ouroboros by E. R. Eddison

    Silverlock by John Myers Myers

    The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton

    Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

    Rebecca by Daphne Dumaurier

    entire Lord Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy Sayers (Gaudy Night, the tenth book, is usually considered the most classic and best one though, and you don't really need to read them in order)

  3. I had a friend to fill me in on the chances of glow and changed color glow... at least for cats.

    about 1 chance in 10 of a glow when you breed a glow with a nonglow

    about 1 chance in 5 of a color change in the glow when there is a glow and you breed with a different color pet

    so you have about 1 in 50 chance of a shadow pet plus a glow rabbit being a black glow... maybe? but that does happen Smile

  4. that is great! I would love a fluffy glow cat Smile Stasia, I will send you a SB to a fluffy from a glow... tomorrow! if I forget tomorrow it might be the next day. I already used my SB up today.

    does anyone still need a glow cat? I got a bunch of glow baskets today... in a few days I will need to give away glow kittens...

    edit: also, does anyone have glow dogs to breed?

  5. I finally got a glow kitten too and it will be grown up soon... I will send another SB this time with actually glowing cat so it might work better:)

    my kitten is named Pierre and he is just like Yvette's Radioactive except half the size Smile

  6. sinenomine wrote:
    Oh @Leahfy you have beautiful cats, I think I have adopted some cats from you, not sure, since I have 2 Leah as neighbors, dont know which pets belong to who in the trader, anyway thanks

    that is my curse at having a common name ! I hope you did get at least one of mine, I think you did too, I think I remember seeing it at your house when I was visiting to bless Smile

  7. now I am reading "Lisey's Story" by Stephen King

    I have read more than 10 books by this author

    I would recommend some of them but not others Smile

    I think I would recommend "Lisey's Story" because it is really good so far. But you have to be comfortable with portrayal of characters who are not very sane!

  8. I think it just takes longer and longer to get enough xp to go to the next level. Low levels, they go by very fast. Then it slows down a lot around 50. I am now 61, it took about 8 days from level 60 to 61. (I have been playing 102 days, says the Free Pet star that gives Pandora and Arctic pets. I have played every day since I started!)

    The most xp I get comes from just feeding my pets. It also helps to grow the plants up, I think. For some reason, I do not seem to get xp from buying things - it says they give xp, but my xp number does not actually go up.

    Litter boxes at neighbor houses never gave xp, only coin, since I started to play happy pets. Playing with neighbor pets gives both, and blessing baskets gives xp but no coin.

  9. I have made on facebook a Trade Album of happy pets! For my friends here in psfc, if there is any pet on there that you like, let me know - I will give it to you or give you the next one like it that is born - I want them to find good homes and I know you all have good homes Smile

    Yes really, let me give you each just one trade pet with no trade needed, giving gifts to nice people make me feel happy Smile Just send a facebook message with which one you like, I will either send it or find a similar one in the next batch to be born. My nursery is FULL and I must make room:)

    (you know I cannot post link here so you must go to my facebook profile and then look at the albums, find the happy pets trade adoption album!)

  10. I am really excited for glowing pets! I hope I can get one soon but haven't managed it yet ...

    From what I have seen at my neighbors, the glow has its own color, so you could have a purple cat that inherited a green glow? It makes me think they will eventually release other glow colors too


  11. There are some truths that are better left unsaid, some things people don't need to know.

    A good guide is imagining you are in the other person's position. Would you want to know? But sometimes it is really hard to imagine what it is like not to know and still figure out if you would want to know or not.

    Another good guide is whether telling it is a benefit to yourself or not. If telling the truth hurts feelings and also makes you feel superior or lets you gloat or brag, or if you are feeling guilty and telling will upset the person but let you feel less guilty -- in these cases, likely it is not something you should tell the truth about (or talk about at all if you can avoid). But if telling the truth maybe will make someone mad at you, but help them, then you should do it.

  12. I would love to do social breeding.

    I think my fluffy solid cats are in room 2 and there is a fluffy calico in room 4. Please send SB requests with any of them Smile

    Skye and the calico (I have forgotten her name) have Random eyes. The other fluffies have the same eyes as blue and purple fluffies from the store that I bred to get fluffy cats Smile There is a new purple fluffy kitten that is a nice bright shade.

  13. The most recent manga I read online (scanlation) was Rosario + Vampire; the most recent one I bought and read Ōoku: The Inner Chambers (大奥) by Fumi Yoshinaga. (I couldn't remember the title but then I found it on Wikipedia to tell you all!)

    I like comics too. Most recently I bought the 3 hardback of Tales of the Beanworld by Larry Marder - I used to love it and was excited to see it re-released and with new chapters! It's a great story and so original.
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