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Everything posted by ayathon

  1. Apple... Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez?
  2. sorry hun, i can only grant THIS WEEK ONLY items and JUST ARRIVED items x oh... My bad... (not reading the rules or anything) well, maybe I could try next week items..
  3. There's a pink poo already, today my pet poos 12 sparkly pink poo. I have some given it away awhile ago..
  4. Im so happy for you Anastasia, congrats..
  5. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    yeah, I still have some spare here. Sure I can send u one. I have already send u 1.
  6. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    yeah, I still have some spare here. Sure I can send u one.
  7. Hi I'. new here, Im looking for some new friends.. )
  8. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    Yeah, you explained it very well, Thank you very much... I will rep for u, coz u helped me to figure it out..
  9. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    Glad you have ask, Im planning to ask it too, because I don't know how or when...
  10. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    Im glad u like it...
  11. yeah, it is quite harder than the regular one.
  12. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    I already send 1 to u. Hope u like it.
  13. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    Sure I can give you 1..
  14. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    Trade complete. Thank's a bunch!
  15. I want the wearable pink hand bag. how much is it?
  16. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    Yeah, anything you like, you can trade the 2 poo's u want for anything.
  17. ayathon

    Free Pink poo!

    i was thinking 3. XD but 1 is fine. if the price is okay i'll like to buy 2 more.. Hi, I have send u already the free pink poo.
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