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Everything posted by pydrumerboy

  1. Dang rikmun, get me some la like that
  2. @rikmun - Actually I don't think the olds 5.5 quite made it to our shores except one time someone found a super and regular in the same 7-11 during one of the promotions. I have been searching the hypermarkets and shopping complexes and have not found any.
  3. Fuah nice one rikmun. I don't have that pink one.
  4. I like the story behind every matchbox car. but it spoils the imagination aint it?
  5. At last someone who has found it. great score!
  6. Bro, your haul make my eyes, ears and mouth water.....what a great haul you have in one go. You should have gotten a $uper, 10 boxes and no $uper is just not fair. Anyway the reason why alot of people wanna trade with you for $uper is because you have promise to hunt the $uper down...... (betul tak RG) You are fast becoming one fo the best hunter here man....kusdos, hats off to you.
  7. I am gonna hunt that down....nice bug
  8. Wow july is a good month, 3rd Super of the month. This is the only thing worth hunting for in the old waves though it took about 7-8 hours of hunting, left thunt regulars pretty much behind.
  9. @muclemania - LOL , but on the other hand like somebody mentioned, no pricetag means I am using insider wor......nanti orang suspect pulak.....
  10. to me this is nice but the best looking one is talladega. Anyway thanks
  11. So must balik kampung more often, you saw ckh, super chvroletor pun boleh dapat although the card really dog-ear at certain parts but masih dapat super. Good hunting to you
  12. Yes at last for 6.90 and 10%off thanks
  13. Hmmph look at that Ducati, those who said dont want to get that will want it now
  14. thanks man, me likey it too
  15. Thanks daniel, it was a nice feeling
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