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Everything posted by shakz7

  1. Guys lets Move to our New Home... Ushering the New Year with V3....
  2. Lets Usher the New year with a V3...... Will Start with Some of my pics.... Finally on Last day of 2010... Manage to Complete my 2010 $uper Hunts .... Kudos to all Playaz who played a HUGE roll in order for me to put up this whole set.... really appreciate all your assistance.... 2 sets of $uper manage to be completed on the 9-01-11 2010 Regular Hunt.... Mr Eight thx for the Folda Box... Happy New Year..... Lets make it a Greener Year....... Cheers!
  3. Awesome work dude... really admire your dio rama..... and it really brings back life to all the boring cars......
  4. Thank You bro... it was a pleasure to meet up with ya and have a long chat the other day... looking forward to next meet up as need advice and assistance to get the plan moving forward... nak sebijik ape? green evo dah di pass to some1 2 biji and my thunts to tak amiks all ade jer left behind banyak lagi.. tak larat nak bayar...but just tell me what you want i try to accommodate if i do have extra...
  5. Señor Raúl bienvenida a del HWCMalaysia ... Es un placer tener a los miembros del exterior en nuestro foro ... Gracias por compartir y con ganas de ver más de sus colecciones ... Adios Amigos ...
  6. Yeah im happy Malaysia won the AFF Cup..... but not happy friday is declared a holiday.. since im not working... so public holiday makes no diff for me hahaha... Din apa lagi hunting laaa
  7. Help their stock to clear fast laa bro.. so by next visit they will restock... Sinclair cant pay that much laaa....Baja not an issue... Thx bro.. Happy new year to yaa Happi new year to you to... saw u at 1u the other day strolling your baby around.... Finally a Malaysian manage to conquer english land.... MALAYSIA BOLEH Can no prob.... trade will be better... Not enough $ to haul more bro.....
  8. Wah abah sahama post pic now like PY style.. fingers etc also looks more less the same... Congrats on your haul...
  9. Yeah itsssss Greeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn haul keano.... Evo ijau 2 unit boleh no hal.... just swap gan 2 pcs ijau nye note yg ade tulis RM 50 shakz, ko bagi budak chahni evo ijau 2pcs..ko jual kat dia, pastu mesti COD kat gathering, tengok dia turunke tak turun..hahaha RG kalau dia dtg collect kat gathering aku ROAK dia 2 pcs EVO..... Thx bro... KLIA (KUL) - London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
  10. Mane ade ganazzz kebetulan jer.. Never take all buddy... cant afford to pay... the price is a killer.. just took some only...
  11. Only 1 $uper Baja and $uper Impala laa mane ade all super...
  12. Olaaa... guys this might be my Last haul of this year... Flight was delayed due to heavy snow and this was was i found.... the rest is history... Sorry for the bad pic quality as the memory card corrupted when passing thru the security scanners in airport... Since ive been a good boy decided to reward me with this on Christmas Eve... Enjoy it....
  13. Congrats bro.. thats a really a super awesome haul...
  14. Sniffing to verify is it the real RM 50 pr the Fake note..........
  15. Merry Christmas all........ Its Snow Storm .... hope it will thaw soon... Enjoy Christmas and the foodddddd
  16. AK, I used to think what about; the tire wear, engine oil wear, brake pads, toll plaza, your meals (for the energy needed to go hunt), and etc..etc.. Then I thought meh, like people going to care....... Fadli what you say is true..... like ppl care.... as long they get the car they want at the cheapest price they are happy and dont care abt any other stuff bro..
  17. Din okay no rush can wait nye....thx Call you 2x no answer...
  18. Wah ini org sudah mengannas laaa.. banyak bahaya..great haul bro...
  19. Awesome ... love the wheel and the theme....
  20. Yo Playazzz... As the Title above read.. im looking for those items listed.... Looking for:- 3 x Reg Ford GTX 3 x Reg Gangster Grin 2 x Reg 57 Chevy (2011) 1 x $uper Gangster Grin What i have for trade now:- 2011 Thunt Reg 58 Impala 2010 Thunt Baja Bug ( Trade with 2011 57 Chevy only) Those who has $uper Gangster Grin please PM your want list. Please do drop me a PM if you have any of those listed above and we can work out a deal. Cheers!
  21. Danny by buying at RM 6.90 actually there is no low ball.... but as a collector at times it looks like we are taking advantage on our fellow collectors effort.... Even tho they are out there to hunt for their own and buying for other collector is more like a community service .... As what Atom posted its always good to have some sense of courtesy to pay for extra not because of profit but for the work of finding it for you and making it easy for you while all you did was just sit and wait for ppl to deliver it to you.
  22. Atom - I loike it.... but most of the time our ppl here dont think in that manner...
  23. Nak batmobile....nak lambo.............nak RS........
  24. Nah.... there no issue here tho... i didnt mean to offend any1.... if you feel offended my humble apologies.... Wah ini org banyak advance laa mau complete 2011... i wanna complete 2010 also susah ... nie org sudah 2011...
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