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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. http://www.playerappreciate.com/pimphandle.asp
  2. Thunderhawk sekarang theatre pun sudah ada insider.. put me at number 13.
  3. Dengan rasa dukacita ingin saya umumkan sahabat kita, pioneering member Mutt (yang juga salah seorang barisan committee hwcm terawal) telah menjadi salah seorang mangsa serangan virus yang sedang mengancam populasi spesis pengumpul hotwheels di negara ini. Kita doakan agar rakan-rakan kita sekalian dapat bertahan dan tidak ditimpa tragedi yang sama, iaitu tewas dalam perjuangan menentang wabak B1N1. Sekiranya anda menerima petanda-petanda awal, umpamanya menerima sms pukul 2 pagi ketika sedang khusyuk membelek barang-barang baik di Dean's Subang, adalah dinasihatkan supaya mendapatkan bantuan pakar kaunseling yang berdekatan.
  4. Hello, it's a PACKAGE lah! *run away from Rayz*
  5. Atomkinder = Ahli Kelab Peminat-Peminat Hassan Muthalib
  6. Thor mana ada Parallax.. that's why.
  7. First page updated.. (as well as my stalking list)
  8. Ok ok udah lah tu... lol. I miss weekly gathering..
  9. Daniel you should have create team series to name each car after different names i've given to Musclemania.
  10. Can buy cheaper from ebay, then not good news for me. bad bad why, why , why? Coz i m buying ady more than **k that why!! MAnYaKKK lUGi oooooo AYAIKKKKKK!!!!!!!! Lelong murah-murah boleh cover cos cukuplah Early 2008 i m buying unit trust about 2*k...on October 2008....the value is depreciate by more than half and when i resell it on april last year it still not even but just almost there now 2010/2011 my purchase of diecast especially is more or double what i do on my unit trust yeah....i m so afraid ? sell it..... i need almost 20-25 Amcorp table I volunteer to handle one of the table, ok Saje je made this post kasi tebalkan lagi layer of quotes di atas.
  11. Bump this thread.. Dah letih following extensive list of politics blogs / news site in my Google Reader feed, so now adding all the playaz hw blogs as well.. those not listed in first page yet feel free to update here!
  12. She should be referring to me lol, but i definitely wasn't the first. Saw her putting the price tag so requested to have a look, but reason she must be noticing me is because i was going through the cars longer than usual cause i know the numbers definitely dont add up. And she was like "ini memang baruuu... je sampai" hehe. I guess either someone else just catched it moments ago and made it quick or case memang no longer fresh by time she brought out, not big deal to me anyway. Somehow still got one reg Olds though but i didn't take it.
  13. All i know Nasi Kandar restaurant launch by Badawi in Perth few years ago only lasted few months.. bungkus.
  14. Free discussion walaupun sebarang 'discussion' nampaknya belum terhasil setakat ini.
  15. Aight playaz, Okay i have been approached not once regarding off topic posts that seemingly gotten way too much in many threads in this forum. Also suggested to take certain actions towards members who does it (note - still taking indefinite break from hwcm team as of today). While i have to agree these posts aren't necessary at same time we do want to shape this forum to be fun for everyone, members have own characters and these postings help them show that so it's in a way positive thing. You may look down on so called 'spammers' but trust me, forum by forum i've been in without these 'colorful' posts most new threads be dead real fast, in fact only matter of time the whole forum itself would see it's own demise. And so another question raised is why off topic removal seems 'selective', actually it's not, again this something we need to draw a line and leave it to moderators wisdom on whether to take action. In my view you can't compare few posts that comes out randomly while the topic is still on track with discussions that hijack the thread altogether, i.e talking about sales in customs thread. Even so in this hotwheels family every little steps might be taken personally so i have to admit overall we had to be soft on this, except for what we see as potentially causing troubles between members and so on. So enough of my lecture, basically what i wanted to say here is two things, number one although we don't see it necessary to issue warning to you guys, i do hope playaz can self regulate and please try not to put too much random remarks on other playaz threads. Two, fear not UcB's gonna set up a new thread specially for all of us to 'sembang sampah'.. do visit the koptiam thread link below. /t5495-the-kopitiam-thread
  16. Playaz have ranted out this and that in the rant thread, now this the space to talk random stuff, or whatever not worth to start own thread.. Tulisan yang merapu dan langsung tidak konstruktif adalah sangat dialu-alukan untuk memastikan thread ini lebih efektif.
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