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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. disclaimer - this is just a pic of 2 football players warming up
  2. You might get slapped with ban from shakz, but don't worry undercover brother will safeguard you here.
  3. Because he's Chuck Norris.
  4. Today decided to do some random huntin', with hope of scoring some hunts hehe.. mission failed, none of stores i went got any new cars. Instead i got back home hundred ringgit poorer thanks to these.. (yes, 2nd piece currently being slaughtered while you guys reading this)
  5. Sudi macam mana tu, kalau sesapa nak raok mesti lah saya sudi menerima hehe..
  6. Fyi danny90 is 2nd from right, standing next to Rayz.
  7. Very sad to hear this news. My deepest condolences to his family.
  8. Followed tip off too, focusing on 7e's that usually do not accept promo cars at all, or 7e's that tend to simply restock no matter when. And the result.. 2011 cars like, 2 pcs? 8pcs? aiya.. lol So i retreat and offer congrats to anyone here if happen to score Super GTO in 7E hehe..
  9. Speaking of xeifu's stretched DD, here's one from our last club dinner.. ..and his DD's late night auction, 'Malaysian' style Spoiler:
  10. Tak.. kita dah ada vocabulary baru sekarang.. Peluncur Hotwheels!
  11. Enyo if you plan to sell one of that batman 3 pack do let me know.
  12. ..and by the way, yes we're very well aware of some stuff been raised by members. To address this let's just say we're currently working closely behind the scene and major change to this club is underway. Basically based on reception from our last dinner, it's about time for this club to enter the next phase.
  13. To all my hwcm playaz, Thanks all for the kind words, really touched reading it. Threads like this really inspire me to spawn another UcB essay but i'll keep my word y'all won't read one around this time. All i wanted to say, if there's something i'm proud contributing to this club that would be changing the way most newbies look at this hobby and other fellow collectors, that there's always bigger picture to look at rather than certain things that ya should'nt be too bothered at first place. Thanks for the support, and always remember to stay positive! Yours sincerely, Undercoverbrother (part of hwcm team)
  14. I can provide you guys short lecture about depth of field, but still need to figure out how to make it 'short' hehe..
  15. I originally wrote just Hotwheels logo not sure who added Racing on it, btw i've edited back to avoid confusion. And guys pls keep in mind it have to be fully noticable official Hotwheels logo with Hotwheels word on it (refer to above wiki link), not the tiny silhouette like the back of 2007 Caddy V-16 hunt.
  16. http://hotwheels.wikia.com/wiki/Hot_Wheels_Race_Team Above are not all.. jangan risau, mainline pun banyak.
  17. Eh chillax lah all my playaz.. (help UcB maintain his "takin' break from writin' essays" status)
  18. Aight playaz the sixth HWCM Raceday this Friday will be the first since SS15 Mcd's renovation. Our return to what once known as 'Party Room' inside the Mcd. Since the race is comin' up within short notice (and most probably quite number of playaz might not able to make it this week) not expected to be huge as previous racedays but nonetheless for those who can, be a playa and join the race! Time - 28th January 2011, 10pm Venue - McDonalds SS15 (the one with Drive-Thru) Category - Any Hotwheels cars with 'Hotwheels logo' tampo! Registration - 1 Carded Basic Car per entry Racers please register your names here.. 1- matbear82 2- premendran 3- Shakz7 4- zoomckng 5- wildspirit 6- BoneShaker 7- Impavido 8- Danie 9- Atomkinder 10 - hassan
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