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Everything posted by arttt_anime

  1. oooo...haah...yush dh booked
  2. robinson yesterday haul....b4 berbuka puasa at Garden Hotel
  3. adussss!!!!,,,,,,taiping 7e never restock any new wave during the promotions...they only put the left overs....only got this
  4. nice th bro...one of the heaviest TH ever made u got there bro...congrates
  5. woho...when i see ur haul bro...scary man...a lot of unaspected haul u got there bro...congrates
  6. drawing also had to do, hauling also had to do, if not left behind la.....haha!! hehhee...if cannot make it ur dwg date line...give some part time werk to me laaa...so i can haul ganaz2 like u la bro...hehehe
  7. nice score....still waiting when i gonna get the reg neet
  8. hehehehe....tak banyak ke drawing u kene settlekan...banyak masa hauling ni..hehehehe
  9. i have the red ctr spare...pm me if u interested..
  10. nice...esp the th fury n mbx ctr....merdeka!
  11. nice...tu tempat ramai collectors target bro..u r lucky bro...:)congrates.
  12. nice bro...which tru u got it from bro...
  13. kalo berani, sumpah ko puasa HW! *bini ko tengah tepuk tangan dah~ hehehehehe.....perjumpaan di tangguhkan k...sbb bini ada balik KL...simpankan that C***C tu dulu
  14. ehehhehehehe....ko ni biar pecah di perut jgn pecah d mulut!
  15. i just go there yesterday evening...got some new model oso
  16. berkat bulan puasa...alhamdulillah
  17. nothing much...jalan2 dengan yush
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