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Everything posted by rikmun

  1. I second that, I'm sweating in an air conditioning room Third to that. I hope i have a swimming pool around my room,so i can jump in anytime i wants!
  2. i also hope i can finish it fast..but still lack of 3 gallardos..still hunting
  3. does a pink furai looks cute?LOL
  4. i can guarentee when you disassemble the furai..you can feel the sexy-ness of the car...hot wheels make it sooooo sleeeeeeeek
  5. Hehee..i planning to do the full 8 colours of the balboni line up...but now still lack of 3 gallardos.=((..still hunting for it
  6. Some Teaser Spoiler: Teaser on what project im doin currently
  7. c6r!still searching for it
  8. rikmun

    my haul...

  9. saya belum jumpa lambo,saleen and veyron lar!!
  10. my grandmother always say,buy these cars for wad lar..cannot sit ppl oso.but 5 minutes later she pulls out 20 bucks and give me as sponsoring me to buy hot wheels,same as my aunty just gave me 30 bucks for me today.HAULING TIME!!$$$$!!!LOL~~!
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