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Everything posted by danoneism

  1. oOO.. i was about to start on the project.. since u have started it so i will look forward for this one first..
  2. i suggest u use UHU if u'r thinking of reopening it in the future.. hehe
  3. wah.. flat back camaro!~ nice.. haha
  4. another question.... each participent can submit how many customs???
  5. looks nice.. but too early to judge... but i just dont understand why does those car must have a lot of decals.. isnt that more look like a track car rather than a street car.. huhu..
  6. nice restoration works bro... !~
  7. huhu... nice one... it just come to my mind of customizing one based on MB ambulance then HW decided to model it... haha.. now just wait until it reaches our shore...
  8. i have a question to ask... is all contestant must go for the dinner to submit their custom cars??
  9. hurm... i'll join also.. hehe.. anyway, can i use wheels from other casting.. eg: maisto or jada?? since we all know that rubber wheels from HW are hard to get.. huhu..
  10. hurm.. depends la.. first use something like 400, then 800 and up to 1000-1200 before u sprayed it.....
  11. nice custom... huhu.. really nice coke DD...
  12. @xeifu: hehe.. thanx.. @jhc7598: thanx for sharing... i'll try it after i managed to find one of those.. huhu... @raymond: apple green is a nice choice too.. hehe.. thanx..
  13. hehe... chrome would be nice also... hehe... i just wanna ask if i use those chrome spray from the hardware shop does the end result shines like like real chrome???
  14. @ eight : yup... the size are almost the same and the engine also taken from hyper mite... hehe @hokuan : thanx.. white is on my list also.. hehe.. @jhc7598 : thanx bro... yup.. it been a long time from the last time i posted my works here... @kukubeh : thanx... hehe.. red is also a good choice.. hurm.. or maybe white with red stripes on it?? @rikmun : thanx.. hehe
  15. thanx... haha.. ya i'll post a more clearer pic after i get my digicam... huhu.. maybe this weekends....
  16. haha... wait until i got my digicam from my brother.. huhu
  17. hye guys... its a long time since the last time i post my customs here.. currently im working on a custom project which i called babydiesel.. so... why did i choose that name??? well actually, the bodypart use to create this car was from hotwheels dieselboy… since ive converted it into a cuter+smaller version so it’s called babydiesel… here’s some pic on the current progress… still in R&D progress…. the prototype been transported to another workshop after got its engine installed... waiting for the final paint…. currently using flat black to detect the uneven part during puttying process… sorry for the unclear images because i snapped it using my HP.... anyway, the car isn’t finished 100% yet because it still need a fresh new paint.. any suggestion on what paint should i use??? im thinking of white or some light colours... anyway, thats all for today.. cheers…
  18. hehe.... really nice work... those red eyes make it looks more 'garang"
  19. wah... hope they will produce one in the future... huhu
  20. the rear tank i think its a NGV tank.. hoho...
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