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Everything posted by danoneism

  1. nice work bro... the wheels really upgraded the look of ur DD.. huhu.. anyway DD is a long time customizer fav model.. now wondering when i can get one..
  2. skyline fail!~... but viper and ice cream truck looks perfect..!~ so maybe the conclusion from ur experiment is markers only for smal detailling... huhu.. any other conclusion???
  3. aha!~... show us the zombie car!~..
  4. as i mentioned in my WIP, it is just a custom for fun between the two of us. what i meant by joining us is that you are free to custom your gtr too while we are doing our second gtr customs, no due date. :-) okie bro.. hehe.. how bout another gb!~? which the climax will be the presentation of car by both of u guys??? hehe.. just a suggestion...
  5. haha... ok bro elgee.. yup its easier to manage if less people involve... since u've invited us.. hehe.. so now im joining... but i'll may post my WIP on my own post!~.. haha.. anyway.. when's the due date???
  6. nice custom... but... huhu.. why organize a group built for 2 only?? ... hehe.. anyway nice work by both of u guys..!~
  7. bro elgee... i agree with all ur point... to get a perfect finish at the end the most important part is the begining.. anyway nice work u've done..
  8. no offense taken, in fact i agree with your assessment. i think sanding by hand has given rise to the uneven (or slight roundness) especially on the rear part of the body kit. it wasnt that apparent until after i sprayed the yellow, but i will say it is inexperience on my part. i will attempt to rectify this problem when i gloss the body, giving it a thick gloss coat then sanding it smooth before a final gloss coat. here's to hoping it works. what do you think, good idea? cheers! hurm.. nice idea there.. maybe it will be a lil bit smoother after that.. never tried it before... hehe.. but another trick to cover up the uneven surface is to go with dark colors.. haha.. thats explain why i always use dark colors on my custom cars.. haha..
  9. nice one bro elgee... but no offence but the widebody kit seems to look uneven... maybe need more sanding?? because from my experience doing those putty work, u may not see it uneven until u have painted it... well normally i also dont mind of that... hehe..
  10. nice one.. looks like u've upgraded ur skill.. but the diffuser looks out of scale... make it smaller than i bet it will look more realistic.. and another thing is that i think it would look more nicer without those decals.. it make the car looks cheap.. well u know even on 1:1 scale car its rare to see supercars with tuner decals... so just wanna remind that not every car looks good those tuner decals... anyway keep on the good work..
  11. nice one bro.. looks like vip car... wah u also got dremel ka bro for cutting the roof?? huhu..
  12. hehe.. finally putty works 101.. hehe.. the more patient u are the more impressive the work.. hehe.. im not the patient type of guy.. hehe
  13. wow.... custom made widebody kit on GTR... nice one bro elgee... keep up the good work..can't wait for the final result...
  14. hurm.. datsun blubird spoon version??? hehe.. anyway nice one bro..!@~
  15. i spot somone using falken tyre... haha.. got a lot money la this guy...
  16. thanx..haha... but still not so nice la bro... need more budget to upgrade everything.. hehe.. bro cham u tipu la dont have a ride... last time u've post ur car what at another forum..
  17. guys.. well currently this is my ride... just a typical student's ride.. car : perodua myvi.. engine : standard 1.3 dvvt twincam. + pivot VS Exterior : standard + black tinted + [DIY] smoked headlamp interior : standard ICE : 10" mohawk subwoofer Wheels : accelera 205/40/R17 + 17" rim Suspension : OEM absorber + GAB sport spring..
  18. hehe.. got discount ka bro for hwcm members?? hehe.. anyway how much u charge for standard service for myvi??
  19. owh... haha... if not now u can show off to those k-car guys that u have an original mira... haha...
  20. yup... and the most best part is actually daihatsu bring in a few unit of mira before they combine with perodua to produce kancil.... well if u lucky enough u'll find some on sale.. but the price is double from kancil.. last time i saw 1 on sale for rm7000 but the car was register in 1994... for a kancil 1995 u can get around rm3000 only.. huhu... anyway those k-car fan dont mind to spend 7000 on this rare mira because of the car grant stated it as a mira... so when installing any mira engine or bodypart confirm will be endoresd by both jpj n puspakom.. hehe.. well that explain why the price is double from a kancil...
  21. cham2020: so its mira classic or opti classic?? haha.. confuse already.. thanx for double checking... danielh: sharing is caring..!~ lala.. haha... well actually if mod kancil its easier to get the approval since the original mira engine also 660cc... the different is its got turbo!~.. hehe.. an a tips from my fren said that when sending ur car to puspakom for inspection make sure the mira engine still in standard condition which means that no big turbine.. no big intercooler and others... then puskapon will approve... and the bodypart also use the standard kancil one for easier approval... then once u got the approval can mod everything... just make sure u bring ur endorsment everyway coz if u come up to a roadblock they will ask for it...
  22. this one is another rare mira variant.. called mira rv4.. ive seen one original rv4.. not kancil converted to rv4 bodypart in a workshop @ s.alam.. and the intresting part is, this car equipped with full time 4wd.. and here's another one called mira L512.. also quite rare.. its the last variant produced by daihatsu before their come out with a new design which on our local market called kelisa.. equipped with 660cc twin-cam turbo... cheers...
  23. just to share.... this is mira gino.. hehe hope that ive share something with u guys..
  24. this car is not a kancil variant.. its actually kancil fitted with mira opti classic bodypart... not mira gino.. mira gino is the one for kelisa.. well some of u guys may laugh at this guy's car but in the k-car world (for those who layan k-kar) his car got more value than others since this bodypart considered as a rare and only die-hard opti fan will have guts to install this part because if meet up a roadblock sure kena tahan with the police or JPJ... by the pic of his car also it can be see that this guy also install many rare accessories.. must be a k-kar otai.. haha...
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