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Everything posted by danoneism

  1. JDM theme as suggested by bro cham is also a nice idea... but i think its easier if we use tomica since most of their cars are JDM haha.....
  2. acutually evo x is not so easy to find... ive only got 1 carded evo x.. so sayang to open it up.. hehe... but if we use the blimp everyone can get it almost everywhere..... hehehe... no problem at all on getting it... u can get as many as u want.... hehhe
  3. nice custom there... hehe... i really like the tow qombee... hehe.. really creative...
  4. well bro.. nice one but the paint were quite rough... lots of orange peel there.... and the masking are not straight.... hehe... anyway nice idea... cheers....
  5. hehe... i think the one that everyone of us can get easily is the blimp.... hahah... how bout a blimp showdown... we can get fun and also at the same time help HW finish their stock.... hehe.... bro cham... dragtor base is metal if im not mistaken so quite hard la to open unless have a drill...hehe
  6. guys... how bout we organise our 2nd group built.... since a group built isnt called a group built if im the only one doing it so i hope other customizer will join in... so as a start-up any idea on what THEME would it be this time?????..... any ideas??? hurm.. maybe superheros cars?? or custom haulers?? or anything... hehe.. gave ur suggestion and we'll discuss it here.....
  7. thanx..... hope u guys can wait for it to be finish because now im busy helping with my cousin's wedding... hehe.. so project pending for a while.....
  8. nice customs bro.... hehe.... ur putty work are fantastic... hehe..
  9. thanx all of u for the comments and suggestion... hehe... anyway bro hokuan, hehe.. ur idea are nice but sadly i didnt have the right tools to do it.. hehe... and bro JHC... dont call me custom king yet la bro... im still a noob and learning....
  10. hehe... okie.. thanx for the suggestion... hehe... i'll try one if its fit...
  11. @aphong : yup u'r right... hehe.. i really like the wheels... really make it looks like a dragbus.... @rgsukan : im thinking of add some flames on it.. maybe combination of silver and gold flame... hehe.. anyway any idea?? @sinclair : hehe.. thanks.. bout the exhaust maybe i'll add it later if i managed to find one... hehe... @rayz : hehe.. i was thinking of getting the wheele bar from the 41 willy... haha... again my favorite donor... i'll hunt for a new one since the last one was booked by someone... haha... u know who u r...hehe...
  12. hye guys... currently im working on my own version of dragbus ... actually the body of this dragbus is not from HW but since it requires 2 HW car as the donors so i think its actually 75% HW so thats why i posted it here... hehehe.... well enough for the words.. let the pic speak for it self..... here's some pic comparing to the ori VW microbus... i really like the wheels even though its not rubber... hehe... anyway this project still hasn't completed yet... so all comments, ideas and critique are welcome.... happy customizing....
  13. rm5.50 still acceptable la bro for me..... try compare the quality of the car compare to HW.... no offence but u can try compare and see the diff by ur self... some of realtoy cars are much better quality even when comapred with tomica.... huhu... so i think rm5.50 for it its a bargain....
  14. hurm... i think paint stripper is more dangerous then brake oil... hehe... brake oil if contact with skin nothing happens but paint stripper will cost itches and can burn also...
  15. haha.. where u get that bro???? i'll be in KK for a month u must teach me carik lobang here... hahaha....
  16. hehe.. yup thats the one i mentioned about... thanks elgee for the pic...
  17. make a mold la... the from 3-4 can make 30-40... haha... before this i made a intercooler mold for my 1/24cars... can copy as many as u want... hehe.. but nvr try to mold figures..
  18. u asked for it and u'll get it.. hahaha... heres the pic of the updated version of my hauler....!~ close-up of the tampo... (this one i got from a cereal box) (this one i printed on sticker paper... )
  19. ooo... hehe... i saw some figures at store but its just a bit higher from urs which i think need to re-scaled it to suit with the car... hehe.. but ur figures just fit to scale nicely.. hehe...
  20. hehe.. didnt have any but i saw it at 7-11... its quite similar to the pic bro san posted.. because that day i actually hunting for HW mustang fastback but found the MB version so i look what are the difference.. but not buy it.. haha.. anyway, if the car made by both HW and MB, i always try to find what are the difference.. it my side hobby.. haha.. just wanna know if the actually use the same casting since HW and MB are both own by mattel... but from what i see they didnt share their casting..
  21. can wait for the hongkong police!!!!~ haha... r u planning to use the evo x also for it?? or other car??
  22. yup... its a mineral bottle that i've use.. huhu.. still searching for a nice glass container as suggested by bro rayz... hehe
  23. wow... nice one there bro... anyway where u get the figure??? i've been hunting for a 1-64ish scale figure but didnt find any... but urs are quite in to scale.... did u cut the leg a bit to make it looks in to scale???
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