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Everything posted by danoneism

  1. use uhu glue... the best thing about it is that u can remove the item u stick when u dont want it to be there anymore... and it dont damage the item.. superglue will eat up the plastic part.. anyway about the putty, the best one is to get tamiya epoxy putty... some may use bondite which cost less than tamiya's
  2. hurm.... if most have work so do u guys wanna extend the date???
  3. hahaha... come on faster la bro eight... before 21st must complete.... haha
  4. thanx.... nice idea... maybe in the future i'll built one..
  5. mine's is "kenderaan berat" also just look at the engine size... haha..
  6. hehe.. its important to get the mood first before get thing started... if not in the end u'll mess up... hehe... well actually im busy with other things so the progress were a bit slow.....!~
  7. anyway... here's a lil update on the front bumper which i have added on some putty to smoothen the surface... but its still need some sanding... comments and critique are welcome... happy customizing..!~
  8. new pic added..... hehe... more clearer image of the car hauler... cheers....
  9. hurm... sounds a bit complicated.... remove or not to remove... huhu...
  10. @ jhc 7598 : about the side skirt, i glue it on the body... the base is still the original one.... @ sinclair : thanx... @ kurz : yup.. i know that but it will be like a normal car hauler... this one can go very fast with that big engine... hahaha..... i'll do another one w/o the engine later... this one is more to experimental project...
  11. + i'll post a better close up pic tomorrow... hehe!~
  12. lastly, i got my self a car hauler.... was been poison by picture of other members which shows their cars on top of a hauler... hehe.. so thats where this idea started.... presenting my recent project... a semi-fast car hauler..... loaded with the dodge charger.... anyway guys, there are more pic on my blog... feel free to visit.. -->> scalemedown all comments and critique are welcome... cheers..n happy customizing..!~
  13. hehe.... yup of coz... beware of hammering or cutting ur own hand... hehe
  14. well this tutorial is an alternative method to open the base.. it is better to use a drill than this method... hehe.... anyway bro sinclair.. this method doesn't works on metal base... works on plastic base only... so choose the right car to customize... hehe...
  15. hye guys... since several members in the custom section area wanna do some customizing but didnt because they don't have drill to drill the rivet to separate the body and the chasis so i wanna share a method that i used to open the car's body without using a drill.... well some may find out that my method is not professional but not every one effort to buy a drill... hehe the tools u need are simple... a hammer and a swiss knife.. firstly position the edge of the knife besides the rivet... and hammer the knife... but remember to hammer it nice and slowly or otherwise u'll damage the car... huhu.. once u cut through one side do the same step along the red line in the pic below... this method basically is to cut the plastic around the rivet area and the chasis will loose.. so guys... i hope it can helps u guys in doing u'r customizing project.. cheers.....
  16. @sinclair : ok thanx for the info... i'll get it if i got some xtra money.. hehe... if not just use the stock wheels... huhu @xeifu :of course... anyone can join as long as the theme based on fast & furious.... hehe....
  17. anyway how much does maisto cost??? hehe... forgot la because never bought one before... hehe
  18. guys... i think the rims is the pic quite simillar... got it from maisto's blog... what do u guys think????
  19. ooo...like an observer la nh bro... hahaha
  20. hehe... ok so i think i'll hunt for nice wheels from maisto... i think it can fit... if not i make it until it fit... hahaha... anyway bro sanlino thanx for the idea... i think it looks more similar than the fiat500 dragster.... hehe... so now i hunt for 2 things.. first nice maisto wheels and a 41'willy.... hehe....
  21. i was just thinking if the uncle at summit usj selling johnny lighting wheels... hehe... anyway maisto wheels may be a good idea since it will cost less...
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