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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. [quote="wildspirit"] KADI POTONG OR KEDAI POTONG. kalu KADI nak potong dulu susah lah nak nikah. Tunggu dry dulu baru boleh akad si MUshroom tu. Kalau tak bau beb hahaha....typolatu bro..
  2. i more to plymouth road runner...1st colour never seen now 2nd colour released ady...even loose one also cannot be seen...

    my carded stuff

    perghhh..mr.bink..got summore ka? yang still dalam sarung punya, i mean carded..really ...show laaaa...

    My Haul.=)

    fuyooo...nice haul..
  5. nice haul sahama ...this GTO if swap with redline rubber wheel with sure yummy...that kambing bebiri at the back can korban one..kasi sembelih..hahaha
  6. [quote="YU5H"]when is masssrum open kedai potong? kakaka u should cut those CARcass into 1/2 baru.... jd kedai potong.. hahaha[/quote ] yeah...kedai tayar already have..kadi potong bila lagi? chop chop then can do custom maa... so got kedai custom pulak...
  7. see got support ady.. must be one of rg's mangsa..ahahahahaha ....deyyyy..you didnt take part in this race..how i wanna kick your @#%$%$ out..chettt...tak beranike..
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AD... semoga panjang umur , murah rezekinya...
  9. its belong to this thread...supercar it is..
  10. hi..nice to meet you all..well, im rgsukan...ngeh ngeh ngeh ngeh....hehehe oit aku pun nak join.... im matbear ... timenilah dia nak join ...1 basic cars for registration you know...
  11. ok..pay me rm29.90 i'll give you the single evo there...discount there what..heheheh
  12. hi..nice to meet you all..well, im rgsukan...ngeh ngeh ngeh ngeh....hehehe
  13. wahhhhh...69 charger looks nice....
  14. this one also found while balik kampung...
  15. hmmmmm...let see what i found during balik kampung....nothing much...
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