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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    JHC July's Hauls

    Dark Rider Series II Spoiler:
  2. Hi all, since i dun want my monthly hauls thread being overlapping, so i think better if i come in new thread every month tho show what i get during one month period.. and here i post my hauls for July.. Small haul compare to others, but quite happy to get those.. Enjoy.. Firstly, i start with FTE's and basic hauls Spoiler:
  3. thanks bro alfagta, rgsukan, danielh.. just a minor scratch on my body.. but my wallet is bleeding, .. rabak²..
  4. hi all, i want to apologize to all JB forumer that i cant be in this gath tonite, coz i having an car accident.. yeah, after 2-3 days bro demonicle having an accident, now its my time.. luckily i just having a light injured ( small bruise only) but my car, , quite heavy damage.. just send it to workshop today and that should cost me RM1k++, arghhh!!! and because of the accident, i cant be there (at gath and my classes and exam to, arghh). and i would like to thanks bro demonicle and dreamer-adrian that after i sms bro DA after the incident, bro demonicle and DA called me in no minute, asking if i'm alright or not.. really surprise me that time, and i really grateful.. thanks alot bros..
  5. i can make it, but a little late maybe.. but i'm sure i can go there.. but that place open 24hrs or not??
  6. wah, i wanna know strategy too.. huhu..
  7. nice haul bro py.. u really king of THs..
  8. ^ no la bro.. i just a normal person la, btw thanks for ur appreciation.. erm, if 4pm, i'll go !!
  9. aiyoo.. my family company is very very small la.. not like a corporate company.. GT-R?? of course i dream of owning it, but is that to be true, i dun think so.. huhu.. only in my dream, :LOL!: right now i'm satisfied with driving my own "GTR", haha..
  10. wahhh.. actually i love this casting but now hard to find the variants.. only got 2, each from 07 police pack and 08's exotic team.. btw all nice mr sinclair!!
  11. jhc7598

    28/7 7/11 haul

    nice catch!!! TH$uper summore!!
  12. no la, just fulfilling my duty only.. still have a long way to go to take care of company, still had a lot to learn... btw thanks a lot bro..
  13. haha, dun be pening2 la boss... huhu.. actually like this, i am currently work as a business representative for my family company at terengganu.. and if i have an appointment to do in KL or anywhere else, so i had to go ler.. thats why i sometime appear at fridays night gath, huhu.. and also, currently i'm finishing my study at UTM skudai, part time outcampus.. so, every friday night go to JB (bus or drive) then weekends take classes, sunday night drive@taking bus to Terengganu, and work on monday to friday.. and the week's routine being repeated over and over again, huhu~~ btw bro DA, cant make it a bit late?? since i had a class from 2 to 4pm.. if cant, i cant go ler.. huhu.. how about cham, so silent la lately??
  14. huhu.. i'm getting used to, haha.. sometime i drive my old car all the way to jb, and sometime even to KL if i got thing to do there.. hehe.. this kind of travels good for hunting HWs, btw this week's JB gath still on or off?? who will be joining??
  15. owh, i dun take the 3 pack evoX even tho i seen them several time.. din notice the chrome wheels.. got to hunt again,
  16. i always be in jb every weekends to attend my classes.. i arrive on saturday morning, and for my classes, which start from 2pm on saturday until 10pm at night, then continue on 8 am on sunday until 4-5 pm and on 9pm, i taking bus to Terengganu, .. and there is my schedule every weeks and so on, and so on.....
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