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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. fuiyyooo.. special blister!!! awesome!!
  3. 2000gt tu aku tgk dari atas, skali tgk mcm bendera parti pulak,
  4. only if blimp is made all from diecast material,
  5. i'm still not complete this 2009 regular thunt.. great one bro!!!
  6. bukan southern jer ni bang, all around Malaysia dah..
  7. been there last 2 months, also found only blimp.. and last week, went there again, and surprisingly, , i'd seen only blimp flying around,
  8. orang kaya, orang kaya!!! great hauls dude!
  9. kalau nk jual, pm me the Sam's Civic... malas la nk beli oversea..
  10. jhc7598

    my wedding

    btw quote from some one... "Do not mix hobby and marriage.. be in control of both, and you will have peace... " dont lost control....
  11. alamak.. aku kena cari lagi satu....
  12. some kind of music instrument, looks like saxophone..
  13. jhc7598

    my wedding

    alamak... x dpt datang la.. kalau tak, pastu bleh g mancing... haha..
  14. chantiknya 24-seven.. hahaha.. later i'll update the pics with the color shifter..
  15. ini baru MASTER CUSTOMIZER!!!! awesome!! made me wanna stop customing la... eh, wait a minute, i didnt custom for a long time ady, great job bro!! greatest custom ever on detailing!! btw show us some pics on railroad BTTF.. i bet it use train wheels...
  16. beres.. insyaAllah isnin ni aku singgah KL jap.. bleh jumpa ramai2..
  17. ooo.. aku mintak tolong custom pun xnak yer.. xpe xpe.. btw great job bro!!! really lucky la that guy!!
  18. jhc7598


    eh, yg taxi tu dah custom wheels ker? i got the OH5 one but the paint is a bit darker. thinking about to pass it to you later but since u already got, xpela..
  19. wah.. i still remember this.. awesome jobs done by master elgee.. i wonder where he is now.. long time tenggelam..
  20. jhc7598

    old car....

    i want all!! especially 5SP japan skyline!! arghh!!!
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