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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. welcome back abg mutt.. tula, lama menghilang.. @kurz : sanlino ke ko yg miss mutt nih, but for sure, we all miss u,
  2. @sahama : xbleh bwk coz jauh la bang.. nk tgk kene dtg tganu, LOL! @KT : already reply.. sorry..
  3. darn, i want few cars on this wave.. arghhh!!!
  4. yups.. also the ice cream van.. i never found them anywhere.. dunno that they never exist or just a short run.. sorry.. x prasan pic besar sgt, btw ada spare skit jer, tp yg regular2 jer..
  5. aduyai CKH!! funny style, nice shot!!! btw kown's pictures made me urging to have DSLR.. arghhh!!!
  6. thanks all!!! glad that u'all like them.. @Ghostrider9999 : nope, none of them i found here since delivery series didnt reach our shores.. had to import then..
  7. yup, facebook also make me pening².. and now everything perfect!! Love it!!
  8. mana ada bang.. boleh lagi nk complete ni, cuma kene rajin skit jer, huhu.. btw thanks bang..
  9. mcm pening skit.. agree with matbear. but they portal is nice.. maybe the background can be in darker colour? just my 2 cents..
  10. dah masuk dah gambar.. tadi baru nk susun.. mana ada bang. barang biasa jer..
  11. #1 - #6 #7 - #13 #14 - #20 #21 - #26 #27 - #30 #31- #34 please inform me if got more variation. thanks
  12. here i'll share the complete set of delivery series. if got somemore variation, please let me know.. thanks for watching..
  13. wah.. i want too.. looks better than SDCC ecto.. great job bro!!
  14. aku baru datang skali gath putrajaya pun boleh naik nama aku? musykil musykil!!
  15. haha.. happy birthday mutt.. tu la pasal, sejak kwen trus ilang.. kemana ia menghilang~~
  16. ganas nye gambar.. ramai mangsa sembelihan!! ngeri!!
  17. i love the colors!!! awesome!!!
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