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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    25y Hauls...

    nice thunt and thunt$ there..
  2. jhc7598

    ei8ht's Garage

    'bay mahal skang.. luckily i'd got mine ady, together with knight rider series..
  3. this year 3 of my cats die, 1 killed by another stray cats, 2 other killed by cars.. and pity, one of them sarat mengandung..
  4. jhc7598

    newbie member..

    tu dia.. amekkaw.. great score bro!!! awesome!!!
  5. jhc7598

    ei8ht's Garage

    all three japan carded from the movies!! awesome!!!
  6. 2 of my most wanted panel... mystery and RLC!!
  7. alamak, purple.. terlambat..
  8. jhc7598

    Lady in white

    nice clean custom!
  9. wah!! seem that u gonna get yours soon enough..huh?? Congrats u 1st!! alamak.. not yet la.. dun congrats first..
  10. woohoooo... blown delivery.. at last..
  11. happy birthday bro!!! lama x nampak!!
  12. happy birthday bro, again, to whoever you are..
  13. happy birthday tuners lovers!!! long time didnt see him.. hope u healthy always and active again!!!
  14. happy birthday bro, whoever u are..
  15. en xeifu.. selamat hari jadi.. !!! dan juga, bila plak aku nk ucap "slamat pengantin baru nih" nih,.. haha.... beres.. nak adiah ape? thunt$ skyline???
  16. happy birthday bro!!! ramainya birthday minggu nih..
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