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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    manyak old...

    not too old cars la.. great stuff!!
  2. arghhh, tensen.. one of my slick rides gone..
  3. fuiyyooo!!! complete ady!! congrats UCB!!! now u are certified master playa,
  4. its not different rims.. its the same rim, but the wheels is turned inside-outside..
  5. jhc7598

    half year haul

    wow.. that's a loonngggg lists!! awesome hauls!!
  6. berapi berapi kepala den sbb jeles.. haha.. congrats bro.. tahun ni satu thunt pun x score lagi, tensen tensen.. lol
  7. awesome!! love the stripes that u done!! gila weih, can pm for price la like this.. order list ady open ka bro?
  8. whoa!!! the stripes is well done!! best mini custom i'd seen so far.. neat stripes!!
  9. jhc7598

    half year haul

    wow.. thats massive hauls..
  10. jhc7598

    old skool haul

    gila weih.. custom casting rare rare pulak dah.. tabik spring!!
  11. jhc7598

    GT Mid April Haul

    wow, great hauls.. suma saya suka..
  12. awesome hauls!! equals my half year's hauls!!!
  13. ini kereta ape bang.. chantik.. series mana ni??
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