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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. cool haulss!! senget2 kepala tgk gambar, huhu!!.
  2. gila babas punya haul!!! tkojut den menengoknya!!! congrat congrats!!
  3. wah, agak2 nya ni tahun medapatkan $uper agaknya, huhu.. congrats bro!!!
  4. complete ady? with the cops, fire and military rods?? hebat hebat...
  5. ish ish ish.. boss x marah ke semak2 ni.. haha..
  6. mesmerizing haul!! all best2 cars!!
  7. awesome catches!!! congrats!!
  8. ya.. hot wave, i guess!! had to find them!!
  9. WOW!!! $uperb haul dude!!
  10. alamak, baru kawen trus hauling2... gila dahsyat punya haul pulak tu.. congrats!!!
  11. jhc7598

    Kongsi Gelap Haul

    whoa, super!! apalagi, slaughter and cabut tayar,
  12. whoaa!! HH mmg mengancam.. x boleh tahan punya haul ni!!
  13. la, world map rupenye.. aku igt darah yg dari mangsa langgar lari tadi.. nice nice!!
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