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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. chanteknya haul!!! jeles btul aku ngn korang ni, syok giler haul!!
  2. jhc7598

    Haul again at C4

    what the Haul!!!! still manage to get the woody!!! congrats bro!!
  3. wakakaka... hampeh tul korang..
  4. cantik kad dia... jeles aku, btw slamat pengantin baru bro.. 5 hb xbleh dtg, ada hal.. yg kt tganu bila bro??
  5. wow!!! new CS and oso like always, loads of greenies.. great one master Py!!
  6. great hauls.. ni baru betul tempatnya!!!
  7. wow, nice haul bro!!! great price too!! btw what are u fail to catch from last year's wave? share with us, maybe we all can help.. or just pm me,
  8. jhc7598

    Haul in two days

    warghhhh!!!! great hauls dude!!! i wish we had corvette wave here.. btw apsal the1uncle post sini jgk?
  9. woohooooo!!! mr gee strikes again!! marvelous!!!
  10. weih, punyalah lama aku buat, skang baru siap? haha... great one bro/.. and thanks for attending my wedding tadi.. and also for the special-made custom cars!!!
  11. wow.. asik ada haul jer... great one bang..
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