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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. happy birthday bro!!! long time didnt see u ..
  2. its same car la bang.. the diff is wheels size..
  3. ya la, u should enter this year competition.. looking good.. btw lets try next year,
  4. 2 ecto? betul la kan? actual ecto + graphic ecto = 2 ecto.. ekekekeke ooo macam tu kira.. baru paham..
  5. awesome!!! that ferrari is more worth than the nerve hammer.. huhu..
  6. oldies!!! old is gold!!! all nice!!
  7. jhc7598

    fangula - by pqhd

    mintak 1set tayar!! huhu!
  8. a bit much as made me postponed my wedding day a year late,
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