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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. thanks for the pantun bro...!!! and for the wish oso, thanks..
  2. thanks broo!!!! haha.. thanks dude... how about we celebrated it with bachelor's party, haha!! btw thanks bro!!
  3. i do need the hiway hauler n DD, argghhh!!
  4. thanks bro!! thanks very much boss!!! thanks a lot man.. terima kasih bang.. harap2 mcm tu la, hehe.. thanks master py...
  5. yo beb, thanks a lot yo, haha.. trimas bang.. terima kasih bro.. still remember that i always travel around, hehe.. thanks.. thanks bro.. i really hope all my wishes come true.. thanks bro...
  6. terima kasih tuan, terima kasih bro.. terima kasih bro.. harap2 macam tu la yer.. amin.. thanks bro.. i hope i can get great hauls too, but so far, hampeh,
  7. i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like the purple one!!! great job bro!!
  8. wow.. new wave hauls!!! great finds bro!!
  9. first HWs show the invisible jet on SDCC, now MBX oso had invisible car.. lotus summore.. so, did u buy it?
  10. haha.. tq tq.. yup, hope everything will be smooth from now on, thanks bro.. how come get green if dont go hunting at all, btq thanks a lot man.. thanks bang.. thanks bro.. thanks a lot.. thanks.. insyaAllah dipermudahkan-Nya.. trimas dude.. dah mmg tua dah pun.. haha.. trima kasih bang.. insyaAllah!! thanks bro.. and thnaks to danie n joshua too.. and congrats for all of u for the win at the Ikano's race world!!
  11. wawh, congrats for both danie n joshua, that's a lot of money..
  12. wallauwehhh!!! heavy duty haul!!!
  13. wow, completed super!!! heavy poisons... btw welcome back bro!
  14. webcam pun jadi.. great haul bang!!
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