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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. Yes! U can bro!! Jus put aside the wedding plan...and go to the gathering 2 9!! Hotwheels come 1st!! haha.. i wish i can do that,
  2. ya, nice but not my collection range.. lucky..
  3. i wish i will be there tonite,
  4. great job bro!! arghh, bila la nk dapat super hunt ni,
  5. very advance indeed!! i'll never reach this level.. great job!!
  6. talak hal ke bro? nk aku tmbah racun?
  7. alamak, balik2 trus strike super!! power btul bang abah, wakakka...
  8. dahla wei korang.. nnt mati bdak nih nnt..
  9. jhc7598

    Dark Water

    truly legend!!! salute!!!
  10. wah, super haul!!! i never seen a shelby wave yet,
  11. jhc7598

    Jingle Green...

    wow!!! nak gangster grin super, nk loose..
  12. jhc7598

    Advan R35 GTR

    mcm pendekar laut, .. nice custom bro.
  13. Anchor's Mica Black?? really nice dude!!! love it!!
  14. chantekk.....!!! bila nk buat widebody??
  15. chantekknyyaaaa hauls!!!
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