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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. cyclops's skull!! blooody!! creeppyyy~~
  2. baru aku tau taste bro hassan.. mcm ni rupenyer...
  3. When *p/s: adoila, bleh plak syok sndiri plak.. tggu turn la..
  4. btw hassan, do you really want it? i think i saw that one some where before but cant remember..
  5. nice mr rayz.. nowadays most ppl confused between tampo n tempo, thanks for clearing that up, btw nice poisons mr protoman n mr sinclair..
  6. thanks bro Rayz for explanation.. yup, suppose no pics, even i dunno anymore the arrangement, hehe.. btw sales updated, huhu~~
  7. did the autoart arrive tmrw also? btw pm me for snap on 1:18 tools set
  8. ^ btw i kinda think that my collections is rubbish compares to him!! warghh!!!
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