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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. hai!! Dah ada..nak beli lagi??? x ckup 7, nak lagi.. btw its for my fren la.. haha..
  2. pm me the price for number 16,17,18,19.. thx
  3. that dodge.. is it the convention on or what? never seen one before..
  4. i'll go for lancer (complete), nissan z (left 1 variation) n skylines(more to go)..
  5. my favorite game show ever.. the gameshow where points doesnt matter..
  6. ** break ** bro zakuan, one post is allowed each time, and let other post first before u post another la.. it's less fun if u only the one who post twice.. **continue ** his
  7. no, i thought u saying that the "black grill van" exist.. thats why i'm bit surprised, hehe.. hehe.. thanks man.. long time no see u.. hibernating ka? thanks bro!! biasa saja compared to others.. sabar bos.. huhu!! jgn pengsan2, hehe.. aku pn dah bangkrap pn skang.. lgpn skali skala jer aku mengganas, haha~~ btw thanks bro!! haha.. tau2 jerla bdak2 ni.. thanks.. yup, the oldsmobile is kinda hard to get here.. had to import from overseas,
  8. hehe.. ok bro.. will pm u in case nak tolak ape2, belom lagi.. haha~ thanks man.. yup, now i'd been poisoned by hiway hauler, arghhh currently no extra la bro, hehe.. thanks a lot man.. yup, just found one piece last time, n yet to find the other.. black grill?? which variation?? Celica la. If panel, I will be double happy. ooo.. i thought the CS van black grill, hehe.. tq very very very very much broo!!!! thanks bro.. glad that u consumed al my poisons, haha~~ thanks again..
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