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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. haha.. ai bro, kang nampak dek orang rumah, x kluar malam 40 hari,
  2. wah.. double birthdays!! happy birthday for both of u.. btw long time no see our bro cooolman.. bz hauling maybe,
  3. hehe.. dont pengsan², .. btw thx bro!! hehe.. erm.. ada yg nk let go tp kne check dl, erm, nk kne check dl tp ada yg spare jgk ni.. btw thx for watching.. thanks a lot man.. yup, just found one piece last time, n yet to find the other.. black grill?? which variation?? thanks bro... enjoy the small dose poison, yup, such a lovely deco.. now urging to collect this casting too, hehe.. thanks bro.. really expensive till nearly broke ady, trimas bro.. bkn kaya bro, tp dah kayap.. aminn.. harap2 tuhan murahkan rezeki bro, btw thx bro!! murah kan rezeki ku juga aminnnnn .. aminnn...
  4. how do u spell letih in US, then? Tires vs Tyre yup, tire is used in US and got 2 common meaning, the Tayar n Letih while tyre are used in UK (British)
  5. @ckh : lol.. tq tq bro.. erm, the fangulas, 1 keep carded 1 will be slaughter.. oh wait, need 1 more for custom, @kukubeh : .. tq tq
  6. hi guys, i'm back again.. now i present my not so recent hauls, from mid march till today, hope u guys enjoy, this are not 1 shot hauls, but cumulative from several hauls.. Part 1 : Carded Haul! First of all, Local Haul!! nothing impressive tho, just buying what i want only.. the one i get from trade, and also buying.. the Hunts.. this round cant get any thunt$, but never mind, they'll come sooner or later.. the only CS i bought this time, Now, the Bay Haul.. nothing special actually, just some wanted cars.. some of them already been sold before taking pics, the Celicas.. yummy yummy.. the so called black grill variation.. hmmm... these guys take about 4 months to reach my hands.. igt dah karam tgh laut, some car that had to import, i love us cards, really made us learn, hehe~~ some VHTF variants.. nothing special actually~ at last, got the red skyline~~ at last... money sucking haul~~~ still got no sarang to keep them.. thats all for now, will be post Part2 which consists loose ones later.. telan dulu poison ni.. till then, thanks for taking small dose poisons..
  7. dont forget 64 and 65 impala too..
  8. finding one $uper is hard enough, to find variant? merely impossible for me, hehe!! btw nice find bro!! its cool to have both of them!! congratz!!
  9. great!!! imagine u drive this around KL, stuck in jam, and in middle of lunch hour, under a hot sunshine!!
  10. changing cars? again? i'll go for putra..
  11. wah, great haul!!! arghh.. i wish they sell ultra hots here in malaysia!!
  12. damn Demonicle's team kalah lagi...
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