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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. ratbomb wave do come with K&N. oh really?? thanks bro kukubeh for clearing the doubt!!
  2. damn, u are lucky since got those at GIant.. well, giant in JB is most known for insiders, but i think they might sleeping la that time, huhu.. btw i think mushroom open this thread to show his "april hauls".. maybe u can open another topic for ur haul..
  3. fuyoooo.. tp nasib baik aku ada jgk, haha!!!
  4. hepi birthday bro!!! @RG : then u had to wish him, "hepi birthday, son"
  5. jhc7598

    Themes Garage

    evil twin got a lot here in east coast,
  6. nice hauls bro, like always~~ btw u'll get some nice car to put in this thread maybe next week, i'm coming to Friday gath next week (not this friday)..
  7. @matchboxclub : i believe its dead case.. the ratbomb wave got no k&n charger i think.. maybe someone can confirm it..
  8. nice catches.. btw the K&N challenger already out, but now in just few places only..
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