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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. make me wanna loose mine too la!!
  2. whoa.. i like that Race damage!!
  3. hehe.. for me, its up 2 u how u put up ur sales la bro.. if u mention that most get priority, other should understand.. n gud luck in ur sale..
  4. ape melepas plak, ada lagi la, hehe
  5. btw after this sale end, i'll list my other cars.. that time can choose,
  6. mmg la, random pick.. 5 mainline +1thunt, x bleh pilih2.. nk pilih2, nnt harga dia lain, haha..
  7. still waiting for my ebates payment.. 15 may 2010, huhu~~
  8. i thought HWs really do a pokemon, btw this looks very nice..
  9. special 6 pack lo, plus its still carded!!
  10. hassan, p/s: hassan very famous in this topic,
  11. Are you sure only these castings you collect? my top priority casting.. there are many more la, like celicas, civic, and so on~~
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