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Posts posted by smorkle

  1. that is an excellent question! i've often asked myself that same question!!

    i'm just "a little bit" obsessed with twilight and edward and jacob and carlisle Laughing ...i mostly love the story...the romance of it...how edward would do anything and everything for his love bella. i think in real life there really is NO man that would ever be that way and the only reason edward is that way is because a woman wrote the book!!! LOL. i think inside, all (or most) women want to feel that way from a man. if they ever do, in my opinion, it's short lived, but in twilight it's forever! it's a fantasy, it's romantic, there is heartbreak and love forever. it's just a damn good story...PLUS edward and jacob are so cute!!!

    i just love it..sorry if that's not a very good reason for you.

    just love twilight! embrace it!! Laughing
    ..yes, i'm a loon!

  2. Kokonee wrote:
    Yvette, what you say of Xavier is so true! And he is usually the only male at his parties! He is such a flirt! Now, I am wondering if he is really asleep in your picture of if he is just pretending and trying to look up the ladies dresses?

    oh my!!! this thread has taken a scandalous turn!!!

    ColdSamurai1989 wrote:
    And that's not just because some of the best items are for cash, lol, but because my pet is still single, with no likely chance of ever finding someone! Is it silly to feel sad that your pet is single? Lol.

    you can always think about starting a "looking for love" thread... congratulations you never know...there are many fish in this ocean!! congratulationscongratulationscongratulations

  3. I'm really excited about this!! I'm recording it tonight (my time) and will watch it on saturday! they also have a bunch of specials on them which i'm recording as well.

    i watched this other kate and william movie last week. it's about how they met. it was so cute!

    i'm reall absurdly obsessed with them for some reason!! you gals are so lucky to be living over there! if i lived there, i'd definitively be on the streets on friday!!

  4. ok, so just pick a number and when the comp closes the winning #s will be chosen by a number generator.. there will be 5 winners that will win the upcoming spring lamb top+pants! (no hat, sorry) yay.

    Click the spoiler for the pics


    Comp closes on Apr.19 GMT or when all numbers are taken.

  5. PPP & Chay i share the same H.K.A (hello kitty addiction) Laughing
    ever since i was younger, i've always loved HK. she's so cute and soft looking and even though she never has a mouth, we all know she is smiling. you can see it in those innocent eyes!! tee hee hee!!

    every time i get a new car i have to "hello kitty-ize" it. hubby get's annoyed cuz he has to drive it around so i've cut it down to just 1 hello kitty item in the car now. i can't be without her. i just love HK so much!

    as for other addictions...the obvious one --> PS - i don't think i've ever played a game for so long or spent so much money on one either.

    other RL addictions...online shopping, things with ruffles, cakes & cookies (yes, they are one category), and of course....all things vampire! bahahaha!! i have no shame!

  6. hi pedja! as tiddly already mentioned...i think people are a bit busy with RL right now.

    i've been really busy with work myself since i started a new position but i've really missed all of you!! i'm sure lea and the others are really sad cuz they can't be here right now. but no worries, they will be back!!! we'll send them tons of love and hugz and kisses in the meantime!

  7. ColdSamurai1989 wrote:

    hey! thanks! really i just get happy every time i see a welcome post from someone here XD XD XD you guys are awesome!!
    and woww........thankkkkksssssssssssss...i never got complimented on my name before much, but i suppose it is rather nice hehe...
    umm...just as i said...i need help building the play house...so i'm just looking for ps friends...i can share stuff and interact with Smile hopefully i'll find some here!! thanks for everything Smile

    i've sent you a friend request also congratulations
    you can send me the playhouse request as well, i'd be more than happy to help out!!

  8. i hope everything went well for you and your tooth

    what is considered a hospital anesthetic in the UK? just wondering cuz here in the US that can mean many things. there is general anesthesia, local anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care or MAC, also conscious sedation or the list goes on....so what exactly was that dentist referring to???? cuz if he was referring to maybe conscious sedation then i would have totally done it in the hospital if i was as scared as you and insurance covered it....

    (conscious sedation is where they don't knock you out but they put you into a twilight state where you are kind of awake but you won't remember a thing afterwards)

  9. well he was born in boston, massachusetts on jan 19, 1809. his mother died of tuberculosis and his father abandoned the family in 1810. he lived with a foster family with the surname of "allan" and that is where he get's the "allen"in his name.

    he married one of his cousins. her name was virginia eliza clemm (poe) and she was only 13 years old. she also got tuberculosis and died in 1847.

    umm.....he wrote lots of stuff and....

    he died in 1849 on october 7th. his death was a mystery as they found him the day before on the streets delirious.

    as for the 1900's i'm not sure cuz he passed away before that time.....

  10. just to clarify, you want information on edgar allan poe OR you need information on america in the 1900's??

    OR.....you need information on edgar allan poe in the 1900's in america? (i think that's what you want)...
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