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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. think most of us prefer "main bawah"!! .. Anyway...nice golf pics from Sinclair & Kurz!!
  2. wow!! can see lot of improvement on the decal job!!! This one did look great!! Now....times to burn the tires!! Good job!!!
  3. wow!! Look totally great form the pics u take...bro! Me yet to goto the showroom for a view!! Btw...any sport version for this "Inspira"???
  4. fuh!! Dahsyat haul ler!! Nice JL DD and SEMA civic!
  5. WOOHOO!~ See the 77 Dodge Van!! Look nice!!! Evo ijau...too!! COngrats bro!
  6. wow!! massive haul lah tu!! U really kena poison by the DB ady!! he he!! more..more pls!! anyway...congrats on getting those yummy stuff!
  7. woohoo!! Green Hot Rod!! tought only "hulk" got the green rod...UCB also!!
  8. oitt!! That's blue DD! Look so familiar!! Mahal lah tu!!! I jus cant afford that!! tahniah!!
  9. allow me too..Sinclair!! Past week me win the sales thread bidding...which i wear green underwear when i PM my offer...and woohah..it really works...
  10. i will have some "roti Bakar" for u!!!! lmk when u reach the bolehland...and then will arrange to meet u!!
  11. very sharp & clear pics of green lambo..............
  12. hmm...i think thats is "PY"!!
  13. fuh!! Great score bro!! Green rules!!! Congrats!
  14. love the way u display ur collections!! But sooner or later...u gonna need more space than u can imagine!!
  15. Not sure... If the licensing allow that is. Anyway there will be a car with my name on it. Look for it... LOL wow!! Sound great! Hope the car with ur name will be in the "t-hunts" series!!
  16. nice custom done!!! Really look great!! congratulation to those lucky guys who get this as RAOK!!
  17. wah!! Always the 1st to score the latest wave!! Tahniah...!! So..wanna tradde with my $uper '69 Mustang????? .....loose one!!
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